Thank you!
Thank you!
Imagine that you are mugged at knife point and the mugger tosses a couple of dollars onto the ground so that you can ride the bus home. And he expects you to be thankful that he left you with that.
“I wanted to see how easy it was for people who had an interest in terrorism to go online and get information because the police and the government are trying to crack down on terrorism and radicalisation. I wanted to see if it was possible, not for me but from someone else’s point of view.”
Me too! I don’t think I can stop. I only feel a little bad about it. Also this is a far superior version of that song:
It’s the “I was being ironic!” defense.
If someone is a fake Cherokee, and Eastern Oklahoma is full of those, then you call them a “fake Cherokee.” Calling someone whose name is not Pocahontas “Pocahontas” only makes sense as a way of belittling her identity as a Native American woman IS a slur. A racist AND misogynist slur. Period.
“You are very special people. Anne Frank used to live where you’re from. They call her a dirty jew.”
In addition to that, Pocahontas has nothing to do with the Cherokee, and neither of them have anything to do with the Navajo. Lumping all these unrelated cultures together is in itself disrespectful.
Considering that she used to be a “model,” I have never seen a person so unable to act like a human being.
I don’t blame her for being a reluctant First Lady. It’s a largely thankless role that she probably never envisioned for herself.
She always looks like she’s desperately trying to suppress a wet, loud fart. Sadly, her fart has a twitter account and calls himself the president.
Other awesome hacks waiting to be posted:
I remember the first time I used armor-all on my first car back in high school. I used it on the steering wheel too.
I literally laughed until I cried reading this, starting with “or is it some stupid expensive piece of shit”😂
You just live in a world where that is the air now.
I wasn’t aware that Alabama had a border problem. Which border? The one with Florida, perhaps? Mississippi?
You had me until the PRIUS part.
Big N, little Y, GIANT FUCKING Q!
‘The Q is talkin’ to me, the Q is talkin’ to me!”