Hell, why even bother with ‘male’? Just assume everyone is a man unless they say otherwise. You’re either normal or you’re ‘female’, and why should normal people need to be labeled when it’s so much easier to label everyone else?!?
Hell, why even bother with ‘male’? Just assume everyone is a man unless they say otherwise. You’re either normal or you’re ‘female’, and why should normal people need to be labeled when it’s so much easier to label everyone else?!?
Yeah. We should check and make sure that none of the accusers are putting their careers on the line and exposing themselves to ridicule for the hell of it.
Arrested Development already has a strict “No Touching” policy.
In fairness, if there’s one guy you can guarantee, at any given moment, is thinking of the children... it’s Roy Moore.
.380 vs. .318... Yep, that’s almost certainly it. So either voice recognition software, or someone who can’t hear well because the guy next to them just shot himself and his wife. So when the reporter says “318?” the witness says “WHAT? YEAH, THAT’S RIGHT, SHOT HIMSELF AND HIS WIFE. THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS.”
“If only he had a gun in his other hand, he could have stopped himself.”
“charges were not filed.” I don’t understand this. I can get a ticket for speeding because something bad *might* happen, but someone does something far more reckless, and something bad *did* happen, and no charges. Guns are just like freaking immune to common sense laws.
If this was an Air Force pilot, one could argue he was merely living up to the USAF fight song. You know...
The denial runs so deep though. People are actually destroying coffee machines in the name of preserving their comfortable ignorance. We’re beyond the pale.
I wonder if Franken opened himself up to an ethics investigation and used himself as bait knowing Trump would walk right into it? No excuse for what he did of course but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was part of some calculation.
“The allegations are super-duper serious,” said President Trump, using his fingers to pull his lips into a frown for emphasis, “but, like, the people in Alabama are so, so smart that they won’t let this affect their vote. They’re above that kind of thing, those Alabamamamamamamaians.”
Thanks, Jinni 💕
Not your fault at all. Nor that of the commenters who were upset. There are always unintended consequences and one of them being that we often vent, here (I do this on the regular) and that can be hard to gauge for the most sensitive commenters who might then feel targeted. I know what this is like, too.
It got way out of hand, I agree. I’m not sorry for addressing some things that bothered me, and we definitely don’t need to rehash it(!), but I felt bad and still feel really uncomfortable with the way that SNS thread went down. I should have known that it would devolve before I started it, and I am sorry for that.
I was distressed by that SNS. Shutting down voices is not the answer.
Yup. Because they are afraid of making it about a Democrats vs. Republican thing because then these people will just dig their heels in, pedophilia be damned, and vote for Moore just out of spite. Because that is really what motivates these people, spite.
100% totes agree. Sliding them some money on the down-low is a good thing. Making a huge deal could backfire.
That actually does make a lot of sense for Alabama. “Democrat”, “liberal”, and “feminist” are all dirty words down there, especially outside the cities.
So memo to Orthodox Jew Ivanka:
Baby killing is bad. It is difficult for Americans to come to a consensus on almost anything. Some people think…