
“Look Pwartoo Ricky, it’s simple. You’ve got floods. Floods are really just big spills. What absorbs spills? Paper towels. I’m a genius, you’re welcome.”

I don’t think you can really blame Trump for avoiding anything wth RICO in the name. I would too if I’d done that much business with the Genoveses and Gambinos.

Thank you for sharing <3

I’m in Arizona, and the truth is that Joe enjoyed massive popularity for decades. His undoing was reporting from the alternative weekly in town, which was the first to reveal how much money MCSO (Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office) was paying out in settlements. The cracker ass crackers in my home state finally voted

YES. God dammit YES I am so glad this happened. The pardon was unconscionable to begin with, but a presidential pardon is a legal acceptance of guilt, that’s what the fucking law says. (Edit: basing that on Burdick v US, 1915) It means it happened, you did it, but you get off.

I’m so sorry for what your husband went through as a child, but your story together is very beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

“Sacred” is code for not fully human. The same kind of arguments the Victorians made about women which kept us from voting, working outside the home in professional careers (other than poor women who could work for a pittance of what men made), or even having any control over our own bodies. Women were too “precious”

forgive my mansplain but...

thank you. we’re not goddamn mythical creatures or deities or little flowers or aliens we’re PEOPLE. it should not be this difficult.  

I don’t want to be sacred. I want men to keep their hands, and their laws, off my pussy. You think you’re helping, Kelly, but you’re not.

Wow. Thanks for sharing your husband’s story.

Finding someone creepy is a great natural defense mechanism against getting murdered. We’re not going to suppress it just because you think we should, for your benefit.

I don’t know if you’ve heard but there is this thing called online dating.

I would like to encourage women who feel uncomfortable with certain guys to consider why do you feel uncomfortable?

Oh, man. I’m inclined to second another commenter that said I think you want to get it, but you’re not getting it. But you’re also making that charitable inclination more and more difficult in passing comments.

the same “ caffeine runs” as me

I bet you meant to say “DO NOT,” right?

I mean, the part that confused me is that he is living in Utah but doesn’t want a struggling Mormon boyfriend.

Wait. What is a practicing virgin? A non-virgin who is now abstaining? Is he saying he wants a gay, Republican, happily Mormon boyfriend? I’m SO CONFUSED.

I had 33 radiation treatments & lost most of the taste & also saliva. It took about 2-3 years for things to taste ‘right’ and another yer for the saliva thing to get to a point where I am not dependent on artificial crap. It is along recover, wish her well & giver her hope.