
I once calculated how far I had walked with my boon companion, a very long-lived dog who I used to love strolling around the neighborhood with. Over the course of 16 years we walked from New York to California and back again twice. I’m still overweight. :(

I would like it to tell me where I could stop for mini cupcakes on the way, maybe.

I heard there’s someone at the IRS whose sole job is making sure Trump’s returns don’t get leaked from that office .

Considering this is a group of people who had to have the meaning of unanimous explained to them at least twice in relation to a pretty commonly known foundation of jury trials, I’m not as surprised as I would be.

After being immolated I’m shocked she was able to say anything. I can’t imagine in what universe somebody would think that was conducive to cogent speech. Said she looked like a zombie and moved the responders to tears. Fuck I’d have cried too, that’s so fucking sad.

Excellent argument but your username....

So all the evidence point to him but because the firefighters might have heard her say another name WHILE SHE WAS ON FIRE, he’s aquitted? How can those jurors sleep at night? That name could be anything, she could have remembered a tv show or the kid sitting next to her in first grade. She probably wasn’t thinking

GW Bush spends a fair amount of time to this day with troops and their families. All unreported. And I admire him for that. 2017 is truly a weird year.

Hey hey hey Ella, he’s the President man of the lower 48 and maybe Alaska (he hasn’t checked yet) he’s super tremendous classy!

I just want to hug Bush and thank him for being human.

Oh my lord - is that for real? That makes my heart hurt and I just want to hug Bush and thank him for being human.

Twenty bucks says he has a stock, recorded message that does the job for him.

I’ve got some good political dirt for you, Donnie. I have absolute iron clad proof that George Washington never called the family members of a single US soldier. You’re welcome.

I think Ivanka is already turning on him. trump has destroyed her brand name and clothing line. Also, trump forcing her into the white House has shown a harsh and exposing light on her and her illegal activities. She has so much negative attention directed at her now because of trump that I think she wants nothing

According to the Root, he hadn’t yet called the soldiers killed in the ambush attack in Africa. It’s been two weeks.

And when some reporter questioned Trump on it he immediately backtracked and said “I was told that he (Obama) didn’t communicate with many soldiers families”

“warmest condolences for the death of your son/daughter, military is hard almost as hard as writing this. Here’s a coupon for 5 dollars off on your next visit to the Trump Tower restaurant and a MAGA keychain”

He can’t even answer a question about communicating with the families of soldiers killed in the line of duty without mentioning Obama and erroneously trying to make himself look better by comparison. He also managed to make calling parents of dead soldiers about him and how hard that is for him:

What isn’t he getting now that he would get as president? That’s what I don’t understand about all this “fear Pence” stuff. The call is coming from inside the house, people.