
Melania Trump is rethinking her prenup and nda right about now, isn’t she?

Or on purpose.

I hate to say it but the stupidity over the US overseas territories has been going on for a long long time. I can’t find the video but I saw an interview over a year ago where someone from the Northern Marianas called the Interior Dept about something and they replied by asking why didn’t they call the State Dept. The

My senior year of college I had to *prove* to one of my classmates that Washington DC and Washington State were not the same. I mean, granted it was a state school in the south, but jfc.

My thoughts are that the President is a bit shaky on the fact that there are parts of America that are not classified as states, but as commonwealths and territories (Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, and several other islands in the Pacific in case you are curious).

I personally take offense at the fact that the “bad” part of the map’s name ends with ‘istan’ implying middle-eastern* = bad, wouldn’t it be more appropriate to name it something like “United State of Moronica” or somesuch?

He admits that he’s the same person he was in 1st grade, so I guess his education stopped there too.


I’m Canadian, and I admit that my US geography knowledge is truly terrible. But even *I* knew this. I’m quite sure most 5th graders in the US know this. How does the occupant of the White House not know this?

Here is my new favorite quote:“The salient fact of American politics is that there are fifty to seventy million voters each of whom will volunteer to live, with his family, in a cardboard box under an overpass, and cook sparrows on an old curtain rod, if someone would only guarantee that the black, gay, Hispanic,

A large part of the conservative base wants this, because “free market.” They want poors to be priced out of the market and die, so they can feel better about the privileges their own hard work grants them. They’re fucking monsters, and they justify their monstrosity with proclamations of “think of the the money it

It’s not. It’s just some dude being horribly wrong on the internet. I doubt that if he was talking to a guy he’d have been all like “oops, I’m wrong random internet person”. The internet isn’t like that.

How much man could a manspain splain if a mainsplain could splain man?

don’t put words in my mouth, buster. It makes you look clownish.

You worked hard, so do many people who are not (moderately) rich.

Plenty of us also worked hard, but we aren’t so selfish to believe that we built our entire world.

I work as a lawyer and get paid well. I’m all for my taxes going up slightly if it means a better society. I’ll be OK. If you’re rich, you’ll be OK if you pay slightly more money.

Every job that I’ve gotten where there is a pay increase resulted in me doing less actual work than the last. I never worked as hard in my life as I did when I was making $6/hr.

I’m successfully well off. I own a home. I make enough that budgeting is easy. I also recognize that I live in a society, and that society helped me get where I am. Schools, roads, health care, law enforcement, unemployment insurance, etc. And since I belong to that society, I am comfortable paying into the system a

I don’t know or care how much your situation and my situation compare. I do know that I pay taxes now, and I used to get a tax refund. Does it suck? Yeah, kinda. But now that my husband and I are both educated professionals, nothing is stopping us from up and deciding to be poor again. We could TOTALLY go back to low