Weird how a pen (or a keyboard) can make people more afraid than a gun.
Weird how a pen (or a keyboard) can make people more afraid than a gun.
It’s weird how these “amendment” things work. Some are unchangeable and...almost unalienable...rights. Mainily that second one. Super important, ignore the regulated part of what it says, but it cannot be changed or challenged, lest you threaten freedom. But ones like the 1st are really just in the way. An annoyance.…
I feel like this is something little boys learn and then grown ass men forget somehow.
From a New Yorker article:
As shitty as his words are, over 65,000 people are in agreement, and that’s just those who are on Twitter. 65 fucking thousand people are in agreement with the idea that the First Amendment can be fucked around with on, basically, a whim.
I can’t wait to find out that some sort of UNESCO cultural heritage site designation somewhere is interfering with a Trump hotel project.
I once was about to buy a cart full of stuff from Hobby Lobby. But I decided to pull out at the last minute.
Donald the Bitch is going to find out they’re American citizens when they all register to vote on the mainland.
He doesn’t know that P.R. is a part of MAGA!!!!!
Mr. Trump is seriously overestimating the Insurance industry desire to cross state lines. Selling policies in another state requires first setting up provider networks in the other state. Five states already allow cross state policy. To date, no insurer has set up a cross state plan in any of those states. Another…
Trump is like the clueless boss’ kid who gets a senior position at the family business. Coincidentally, exactly what he was.
Agreed. He lacks empathy, self-control and self-awareness. He’s also a raging narcissist who came up in the world of a media the he now proclaims to hate. When he plays hopscotch he just simply walks from the first block around to the last and gawks and calls everyone else a fool for playing by the rules. He’s the…
Just to think, 12 years have past since the lawsuits defense was that these 9 years olds were slutty sluts who conducted themselves in a slutty manner and that way of thinking has yet to change.
That sounds horrific. I’m so sorry that happened to you, and I’m especially sorry it’s still affecting you now.
Let’s file this under “Things that will never happen” right next to Trump’s heart attack, but I’d love to see all the black football players just quit mid-season if the league really pushes for there to be a rule that says they have to stand during the national anthem. I’d love to see what the teams will do when…
I’m sure Hannity, being the great America and conservative he is, will hold Trump’s feet to the fire tonight and let it be known how much this presidency is damaging the country and he needs to resign.
Yeah dude!
The Cold War-era surplus, toxin-encrusted hazmat suit that for some reason gets to fly on Air Force 1 continues to outcrazy himself with each passing day. He is currently in Pennsylvania blathering on about absurdly unrealistic yuge tax cuts for everyone, and the imaginary riches that for some reason will be coming to …
1 million seems pretty cheap for 59 souls. May I also add he just knows how to phrase things entirely wrong. It’s worse than I could even come up with in my head.