
Yeah, I could totally see my Mom wanting to text us about her garden with a bunch of eggplant and peach emojis... lol

You know, I supported Bernie Sanders campaign until nearly the end when his campaign refused to admit that he just DIDN”T GET ENOUGH FUCKING VOTES. Her ambition is ridiculous, yet a man who didn’t win the nomination should have had it handed to him (and THAT wouldn’t have pissed off anyone!) because some people never

The plus side to Trump refusing to acknowledge what happened in Niger is at least we’re spared hearing him pronounce it Nigger, and you just know he would.

Yes! [INCREDIBLY MILD BOOK SPOILER] All those beautiful clothes from the brothel!

Oh God, what if he thinks the Senate Intelligence Committee is there to measure people’s intelligence?

really, really happy at this development. this would be laughable if it wasn’t such a high stakes issue.

It’s funny, it took me a minute to figure out how you misinterpreted me. I wasn’t objecting to him offering feedback when solicited. I was laughing at the notion that he’d find her scrawny ass “great.”

What you are ignoring is that these girls SNUCK out of the house at NIGHT to meet some BOYS. So they got exactly what they wanted. In fact, they probably used their pre-teen feminine wiles to force him do it. They couldn’t have asked for it more if they had paid him.

</tongue planted firmly in cheek>

On the upside, he wasn’t sentenced to pay restitution to the girl’s father for the loss of her virginity.

We’re going to let you out early AND give you your victim’s address! Enjoy!

I mean, I get that logic, but I doubt it was applied equally in this judge’s sentencing. Something tells me he had no problem hardening black people in prison. I highly doubt if we look at this dude’s record, that he never sent anyone to prison.

The part that really got me was when Claire made herself a beautiful 18th c -appropriate gabardine in one night. I mean, I guess that’s better than how she got the dress in the books, which always struck me as super lame, but still.

This is a huge WTF

But he’s a white man! He just made one mistake! Must his whole life be ruined?

It was a different time. You may not know this, but in 2008, we didn’t really know it was wrong to kidnap and rape children. Just like we didn’t know it was wrong to beat women until 2014. It’s been a very busy decade for us becoming “woken” and stuff.

Probably just made the short list for the next SCOTUS opening, given the way this administration is trending.

Agreed! My friend and I got into a fight over this (that’s love, people). Where was Claire supposed to go? And Jamie asked her to go back to him for the kid’s sake. A nd he wouldn’t accept a divorce when she offered. That being said, I guess they really wanted to get it across how emotionally messy a situation like

For real. I can’t believe they didn’t just cut that character. I read some story about his casting that described him as a “beloved character from the books” and I would loooooooove to know who is invested in this racist-ass comic relief drunk Chinese caricature with a foot-fetish who literally just disappears into

Non-book person here and based on your description of book Frank, it’s pretty easy to see why these changes were made — it makes for a better story. They didn’t try to make Frank tragic, they just made him a decent guy trying to do right by the woman he loved. It adds nuance and multidimensional sadness to the story.

Jamie hated beards in the books. He shaved every chance he got. Besides Sam’s face...