
Yasssssss! This week’s episode dragged a bit for me for most of it but only because I knew what was coming. And those last 5-10 minutes?

To be fair to pence, he does strongly believe the deployment of seamen is a sin.

Truth. I know so many people who have put away their red hats like we won’t remember them wearing them a few months ago. I suspect a lot of trump supporters are just going to pretend they didn’t have anything to do with this collective nightmare.

Yeah, I thought it was an analogy, and obviously not the main point.

Please by all means, help yourself. If only there were other places on the internet where Harry Potter were discussed...but since I can think of literally no other place like that, go ahead and jack my thread.

Hey you opened the door to random thread of redundant Harry Potter knowledge, now lay in said bed of grown men and women who still can’t forget a decades old YA series.

He’s also wearing a hat, in violation of anthem etiquette so he should be set on fire or whatever it is we do with people like him nowadays

“President Trump can boast about grabbing women by their genitals all day long, but you fuck one horse, and you’re a horse fucker for ever.”

He calls his wife “mother,” presumably because of some extremely fucked up sense of shame involving sex and his upbringing.

If only people had kneeled during the inauguration. Maybe Trump would have just left.

Is there anything snow-flakier than demanding that people whose work you enjoy because of their athletic merits also must believe lock step the same as you? Like they can’t have their own identity as humans? A different perspective? They bitch about safe spaces, but they’re basically demanding the whole world adhere

...but Sailors, fuck’em, disrespect them all you want. #respecttruther

The pool reporters were not allowed out of the transport vans at the stadium because this was a planned PR stunt and the logistics folks knew VP would be leaving ASAP

Also he fucks horses.

The Vice President of the United States of America assumed women weren’t allowed to attend NFL games. His penis made him leave when he saw otherwise.

I wonder if people understand that by responding to a grey, you are “ungreying them”. I found out that even starring a response to a grey, ungreyed the whole thread so I had to hastily unstar a good comment.

Health care plans ALWAYS “cover” shit you don’t need, because you’re pooled together. So, I cover prostate cancer, you cover birth control. It’s how health insurance works!

Fuck you.

“You don’t GET to say “no” when about to ovulate!”

I did not say that, but if you read the comments on the Root there are a barrage of white folks that pipe in regularly with, “White person here! I want to apologize for my fellow white person and explain why I’m not like that!” Or “White person here! I don’t understand, please explain it to me!” As if Google is not a