
Meanwhile, white identity extremists have been a danger to non-whites since the formation of America.

So between the people yelling ‘Kill black people!’ and those yelling ‘Please don’t kill black people!’, the FBI decides to monitor the latter. Remember just a short while ago when we thought the FBI was the only thing between us and a white supremacist president?

I’m just relieved that Trump hasn’t so distorted normalcy, that a hypocritical republican can still be shamed into resignation.

Sorry, Murphy, you can’t retire yet. You have to carry to term.


Why isn’t the Senate Intel Committee looking into the Fake News Networks in our country to see why so much of our news is just made up?

I think Tim Murphy should have been forced to carry his unviable career to full term.

Wow! Five items from which to build the Code 45* today! Let’s get at ‘er.

Thanks to this guy, any “White dude with lots of guns who everybody seems to think is sane,.” now fits the profile.

Ugh, yes. I hate gendered suffixes like -ess, -ette, and especially-ix. When I was a kid, a teacher had a poster that said, “Why do people call me an actress? If I’m sick, I don’t go to a doctress.” (I think it was credited to Cicely Tyson, but nothing comes up in Google.)

I have no doubt that’s what they’d think. But, even if it were true, I know several women and girls who were inspired to further their education by Michelle. I’d pick that over influencing someone to go under the knife.

This sounds like a sick Trumpite fairy tale, where women are animated dolls to be evaluated according to the status they give as trophies to shallow, needy men:

Manstress? Someone will probably beat me to it.

Let’s go, PA Dems! It’s much easier to win an open seat than to un-seat an incumbent. It’s an R+11 district, so not exactly competitive, but not impossible either.

I heard he’s retiring to spend more time with his boner (s).

I was also abused as a child and didn’t know it, part of me felt it was wrong but I didn’t really understood it until I saw on the news about this thing called hiv aids and told my mom. Fortunately I was also able to become a somewhat normal individual and have normal sexual life, there are a couple sexual things that

my father told me that someone in the fashion industry wanted to make me a model. I was nine, and easily manipulated into taking my clothes off and doing things for the camera I didn’t understand. My father was in and out of the room but never did anything, so I stopped it myself after 20-30 minutes, realizing that it

That’s not a bad take, that is the worst take.

When I was a college prof, I rode the bus with a student one day and she told me she was becoming a therapist specializing in pedophiles. I thought that odd and asked her how she chose that field. She said she had been one. She’d been abused as a child and didn’t know it was abuse until she went to a friend’s house

I am a child social worker. I deal with this type of stuff quite often. And everything you stated is correct. In addition, what we don’t mention is how often children are abused by someone in the family (which is why I get pissed off at conservatives and their stupid bathroom bills. Sorry asswipe, but a transgender