
I don’t think being registered in two states is fraud. Isn’t fraud defined as actively committing a crime rather than passively. No one can force a state to take them off the rolls when they move so probably lots of us are registered multiple times. Surely, voter fraud the actual act of voting more than once.

Seems like its purpose is really to have you super horny when you’re ovulating. More kids in the religion.

He’s probably fiddled Ivanka.

Thanks for the memory aid. I’ll never forget it now. :(

Yup. From Nov 9th (was that Election Day? Can’t remember) on, he was working on borrowed time. He’s probably shocked he last this long.

So is the cost to house her in a federal prison going to cost more than the federal govt is going to receive in her fines and taxes (or whatever it is she owes)? Cause if not, I’d have rather had her sentenced to work and pay the money.

Most people don’t serve their entire sentence. Nothing weird about that.

Apparently, it’s ok to call the cops because a black toddler is having a bad day. I mean, that kid’s just a thug waiting to happen, amirite?

The thing is your suggestion isn’t workable either. So either go back to the drawing board or STFU.

You feel?? Glad to know your feelings should be setting law and policy across the land.

You know CPS isn’t allowed to just randomly take custody of children, right? They have to get a judge’s order first. Source: Me, a former CPS worker. We’d have laughed at a school calling us to do their discipline. Also, in every state child abuse and neglect are defined by law. In my state, the definition says that

It probably was crap. Weren’t the first few things she sent off to the paper sent back to her with the instructions to be less melodramatic? And then Mr. Baer points out her subjects are not very high-minded (which I sort of think is a ‘meh’ complaint because someone had to write melodramas; not everyone wants to read

Or they have dyscalculia. As do I. I was diagnosed in college after suffering through school up to that point. The number of people that told me to try harder/math is fun/stop being lazy/etc. still enrages me. If I ever run into my high school algebra teacher who laughed at me while looking over my shoulder as I was

That was a different era. Even when I graduated high school in the late eighties, they were still graduating some sports stars that didn’t learn much in school.

Trump only knows about Jackson because he’s on the $20. I doubt Trump can name any of our presidents that aren’t on the money or aren’t still alive. Maybe Reagan. I bet he gets what the Bushes accomplished (or didn’t accomplish) mixed up with each other. He knows Clinton had sex and I bet that eats at him because

Yeah, nowadays most of us think people who start smoking are signing their own death warrants but I look at it this way: Like with most addictions, smokers start when they are still too young to make cognitive sense of things. I’ve never known a smoker that didn’t start smoking in their teens, many of them in their

I guess he’s really saying that we sinning women fucked ourselves and got pregnant, this necessitating that immoral hospital bill.

I don’t understand your comment.

I’ve seen it but you have to take part in Christian sermons and things to get it. The one in my area will give one token for each thing the pregnant and/or new mom does out of a list and they can use the tokens to “buy” stuff they and the baby need.

Dude, I want to get paid too!! Stop hogging that sweet DNC cash!