It’s not just the coast. The Coast Guard patrols The Mississippi River, which winds its way through red states.
It’s not just the coast. The Coast Guard patrols The Mississippi River, which winds its way through red states.
Well, if a thousand monkeys can eventually type Shakespeare, surely one monkey could help find an ass, especially if they are as big as an ass as Comey.
Nah, they are abusers and also can’t build worth shit. Just because Jesus was a carpenter doesn’t mean his “followers” picked up on that trait — or any other, like kindness and love.
Resiliency is also a big factor and there are identifying factors which are more likely to lead to resilient children. A big positive is the presence of a caring adult in their lives.
You should watch The West Wing “Dr. Laura” video clip. Great for lots of reasons but at the end, she’s told to stand up in the presence of the president.
Maybe she’s figured out how to make her skin orange without the raccoon eyeholes. Perhaps he’s jealous.
I worked in child and family services too (although not in that state) and the way they describe the social worker being at the dinner was no different from any other supervised visit. Do you agree?
The thing is, we hear a lot about bad breakups where the kids are treated as playing pieces between warring parents. But I don’t think that many breakups are like that. If your intended is a good person who is thoughtful of others then that is likely how they would be, at least for your children’s sake, if you ever…
Except I bet he’s never had Indian food since you can’t get it at Taco Bell. He’s more likely to say he likes young Indian women.
But doesn’t that mean that Anaheim can arrest the cop since his crime(s) took place there? I mean, I realize they probably won’t out of some loyal brotherhood crap but calling for his arrest in Anaheim doesn’t seem like wasted efforts on our part.
I grew up in poverty and yet we were always instructed to pick something out of the two or three things that we got for Christmas (not the socks, but a toy) to take to a charity organization. We were taught that no matter how little you have, there is someone with less. And I never remember me or my sibs arguing about…
Trump does
That was me. I don’t know how many times I’ve had to clarify what poverty is. “No, we weren’t don’t-have-an-Atari-poor. We were choosing-between-food-and-electricity-poor.”
Me too. I want her to come back to Georgia and run against one of our sucky Senators.
I read this aloud to my husband to explain why I am shaking the bed with my giggles. Then I scrolled back up because you deserved a star. I realized you didn’t have many stars and said aloud, “Why is this not o’er-starred?”
It’s not just this one. I see that misuse all over the internet. I just exploded on yours. Forgive me.
OMFG!!! It’s “rein.” Like you give horses free rein. It means that they are allowed to wander at will rather than the rider directing them.
I’m thinking they don’t understand. Things my Facebook feed taught me:
In the book, that kid is portrayed to be a sociopath and his feeling that he was existence was “proof” of that (plus didn’t he kill his little brother just to see what would happen?). But kids always think they are the reason the world exists. And the kids in the book were around age 12. They were a precocious 12,…
I’ve always thought the candidates for president should have to take the citizenship exam just to see if they know the basics. Can we make it a televised exam in Jeopardy fashion?