Well, it worked out all right for Rose.
Well, it worked out all right for Rose.
Ha! “bear” it anymore.
She’s just hanging out with Frederick Douglass.
I don’t know what you mean about “perfectly fine.” That doll’s wearing Crocs. It’s a travesty!
The older dolls often get a thing called ‘silvereye’ where the paper backing on the inside of their eyes peels off. You can pop out and replace eyes through the neckhole.
Totally agree. There should be mandatory service after high school for two years. Like how some countries mandate military service.
That left shark was total win.
Is that class taught at Trump University?
Maybe she meant to wear a headset but it didn’t work so the mic was a last minute substitution. Just guessing, though.
That’s BS. Everyone who was there spoke out specifically for those refugees and green card/visa holders. It may have been their own view *as well* but they were there for those who couldn’t speak.
OK, so you’ve figured out all my motivations from a thousand words. Good for you! I bet you’re super proud of yourself.
Well, fuck you very much. It was a longish story that I was sharing to help those that are bubbled understand a bit about part of the country they don’t know. Since you’re interested, however, I’ll tell you that all three of us discussed it frequently and made sure we sat together at events like these and our…
Really? Asked anyone not Christian what they think of “In Christ Jesus’ name, amen.” It’s pretty divisive.
Since your people are already responsive, why not focus on sending cards to committee members? I don’t think it matters if a Congressperson is not your Representative or Senator if you are writing them in their capacity as a committee member.
You guys were way more patient than I would have been. You didn’t buy that house, did you?
Around my parts (southern red state, rural), it’s not Islamaphobia so much as it is that people think we should be a Christian, English-speaking, white country. These people firmly believe that the founding fathers meant for it to be so. You cannot convince them otherwise.
Is this the one who worked with Trump’s sister? I never hear anything about her. I’m not even sure I knew he had a sister until he was elected.
Seriously. Never type into YouTube “world’s largest zit.”
Love. This.
You beat me to it. I thought that when it “leaked” the LGBTQ news over the weekend.