So your solution for those posters is that their parents should have never been allowed to give birth to them?
So your solution for those posters is that their parents should have never been allowed to give birth to them?
See, you start down a slippery slope that way. Because next thing, it will be that only heterosexual Christian couples living in the red states will be “licensed” to raise children. Don’t you see that any group could say their qualities make them the most capable parents and so they should only be the ones to have…
You may not have had formal education about parenting but I bet you actively researched it.
Generally speaking, I think the eugenics movement lost its popularity around WWII.
This happens outside of pregnancy too. I have celiac disease and everyone tries to monitor my food. However, most have bizarre ideas as to what contains gluten. My mother-in-law still thinks that yeast is the same as gluten. I’ve had people take food out of my hands. It’s infuriating and infantilizing. My friend with…
Agree about the sticking. Sarah Palin never said, “I can see Russia from my house” but everyone thinks she did thanks to Tina Fey and SNL.
And, for some bizarre reason, they made the TN law so that you can’t buy wine on about six major holidays. Like that’s going to stop anyone from buying it THE DAY BEFORE!
Even Sheldon drove Penny when he wasn’t licensed and she had nothing near a life-threatening accident.
Unless she was a 10. Then he’d be first in line to grope her.
I hate to mention this since it’s not the focus of your comment but your last sentence reads like you think that only women are hairdressers. I don’t want to be “think of the menz” but feminism, equality, etc., etc.
Doing all these things ought to take up a whole workday. Procrastination achieved again!
That video slayed me!
I’ve seen Giada de Laurentis cut off the ends of her asparagus with a knife so I’m not surprised that other people who don’t know any better do it.
My husband and I have already decided to do this. Confuse ‘em with data, I always say!
According to my extensive legal training (i.e. Law & Order SVU marathons), they have to submit to cross-examination even if the prep represents himself. It seems the judge has some leeway to stop lines of questioning that they feel is only being asked to titillate the perp.
57 people voted?
It’s an awful story and I’m sorry those guys had to experience that. However, CVS or any other retail venue isn’t a public place. It’s private property. Representatives from any store can ask anyone to leave at any time for any — or no — reason. They can ban you from coming back and can call the cops to have you…
Whatever you decide to do about the call to the DoJ (and I think you’ve gotten some good advice here), I think you should call Adult Protective Services and make a complaint because who knows what else this caretaker is doing. If they are willing to use this person to fraudulently vote, they may be manipulating bank…
Well, yes. If you look in the sugar section of the grocery store, you’ll find plenty of bags that say “measures cup for cup like sugar.” I use Splenda for any recipe that needs a substitute for granulated sugar and vegetable glycerin for any recipe that uses a liquid sweetener (to replace honey, maple syrup, or corn…
Well, if we’re going to be terrified either way, I’d at least prefer to be terrified while still having my health insurance.