
...Beautiful, that brought a tear to my eye. It also has nothing to do with what we were talking about. However, keep insulting me, maybe I’ll take the bait and forget that you didn’t respond to what I actually said!

Minorities disproportionately kill cops, there’s not much you can do when a group engages in violent crime more than other groups.

Loss of restraint implies there was restraint in the first place - which is generally contradicted by most studies on how humans behave.

Yeah, the fact that it looked like the guy was holding a gun couldn’t possibly have anything to do with it. It’s not like latinos are rare creatures in large California cities.

That’s pretty much the only time I use the paddle shifters on my car.

The thing about people like Clarkson is that he is trying to get you offended and enjoys it - I bet if you gave it back to him just like he gave it he’d laugh, because you were playing the game with him.

That’s easy, with brown sugar and colorful dinosaurs.