
Note they're not talking about everyone who plays games, or who self-identifies as a "gamer", as being the worst. It's being used in these cases as short-hand, a catch-all term for the type of reactionary holdouts that feel so threatened by gaming's widening horizons. If you call yourself a "gamer" and are a cool

What struck me about the doxxing was that whoever did it went to the trouble to make sure that it would be unmistakably tied to gamergate, a group that's been making a very public attempt at distancing itself from the doxxings. Seem's a bit.. fishy.

And the way Kotaku responds to gamergate by pronouncing it as dead, a campaign of misogyny, and pure harassment has been mature?

Do we really need a lengthy reply from him stating any reason for selling to Microsoft other than "It's a lot of money and I simply never intended the game to become as huge as it is and can no longer handle the sheer amount of hostile feedback aimed at me."?

Let us not forget the hypocrisy throughout the whole thing as well. After like 1000 articles about how harmful it is to treat women, even fictional ones, like sex objects Jezebel then runs this... (NSFW) http://jezebel.com/disney-dudes-d…

Well, you can't just open a bag of potato chips at the grocery store to see if they taste good...

PS4 Beta codes enjoy

What's wrong with having principles and sticking to them? If the director didn't agree with accepting those principles he can choose another actor. Quite simple really. :-)

Let's see..

And the worst activists are the "writers" at kotaku

That cosplay makes no sense. Nobody said that women were too hard to render. They're not even too "hard" to animate. They're more costly to animate as opposed to just reusing the main character's animations and model for multiplayer.

Yes, Game of Thrones, Last of Us, and etc are succeeding as you put it. Maybe it has nothing to do with the appeal you speak, but that it's well written and well done. (Add in a little hype). There are things that are succeeding that don't fit your golden rule.

Here's your first lesson: they're people, treat them as such, and you'll win game of the year in writing.

Jesus people are STILL mad about this? I mean come the fuck on how bad of an issue is it that Ubisoft doesnt include females in one of their games? Are we putting females in the game for good reasons or putting them in just to have them in there and diversy? If you don't like how someone develops their game make your

Jason I appreciate the honest assessment and I happen to agree about the ridiculous pricing.

Your a dumbass..