
My imagination of a Kotaku RPG podcast:
Final fantasy 12 remake, “was this game this good? I thought it was garbage”
Final fantasy 14 stormblood, “has a subscription requirement so its garbage”
Mass effect, “Garbage”
Zelda Breath of the wild “Made by Nintendo so its golden platinum unicorn.”
Destiny 2, “Not ported to the

If you went by Snarkesian’s logic then women in every game would have to be flawless characters. They can’t die, they can’t have anything bad happen to them, they can’t be helped or aided. It’s ridiculous.

So you had to Google the answer, boo fucking hoo. I didn’t have the slightest clue what the answer was either, but I didn’t mind looking it up and learning a bit of foreign trivia in the process. How exactly does getting asked a dumb trivia question that’s not in your spectrum of knowledge hurt the experience? It’s a

Yeah, I always wondered how much better Thor would have been if a real Scandinavian like Dolph Lundgren had been cast instead of that Australian dude. I could just tell that Thor didn’t have that special relationship with darkness and the snow that I expected.

What a fal’cie pulse l’cie cieth opinion you got there. FFXIII had by far the most annoying cutscenes ever, in the form of this mommy’s boy Hope. The story was okay but in no way fantastic. Gameplay was good but not impressive.

Actually, it’s about gender identity ethics in Pokemon Go.

Remember when Kotaku, and Nathan Grayson and Patricia Hernandez in particular, laughed off the need for disclosure?

Then maybe the editors of Gawker should’ve thought better before outing people as gay and putting private videos of people having sex on their website up for everyone to see. You can’t treat them as innocent in this, and if the bankruptcy ends with hundreds of people on the street then the blame is on the editors who

I don’t know if Richard will get to your question or not (hopefully!), but I lived in Japan for 3 years (just left in September of last year). Even though I’m American and grew up in America, I feel like in some ways I’m still experiencing reverse culture shock after that 3 years. Here’s my perspective:

I take it you’re new here. Kotaku has always been more than just a videogame website with a slant towards Japanese stuff, hence the title having the word otaku in it.

A retarded comment on the internet. Never seen that before.

I gasped out loud when he hit the ground. I thought for sure that either Tony would catch him or I more thought that Sam would catch him and that would be the start of everyone getting back together.

This is just...so dumb.

GoT had no more “boobs and blood” than a lot of premium HBO TV, from Deadwood to Rome.

GOT has always got by on the stellar acting from its core cast and a story that keeps people tuning in next week to see what happens to people they’re invested in.

The only people who care about the boobs are

There’s nothing wrong with just having boobs though, so I don’t think it goes against whatever “high ground” Kotaku’s set up. This whole thing is making fun of how comics normally treat boobs, as fap-material that they’re too afraid to show.

Yeah its a nice way to sell the shit out of sex while claiming moral high ground.

These topics are essentially a way for kotaku to make topics to show boobs while pretending to be against such gratuity.

I find this to be entirely plausible and utterly depressing.

Wonder Woman is who people cling to when they decide they want to like a female superhero just because but they honestly don’t care all that much. People like the idea of Wonder Woman a lot more than they like Wonder Woman.

She still gets referred to as an aspirational figure, but the exact specificity of her specialness has become bland.

..why is his skin colour relevant to his ability to write Wonder woman comics ? .