
Why are so many of the people involve in gaming blogs mad that people dislike the ending. Even guys who normally get bent out shape have join the fans are cry babies camp. They all also seem to misss the point of why the ending sucks. I just don't get why they are getting so defensive.

Archaotic we get it your edgy but now your just trying stir the shit. They have as much right to say or do as they wish just as you do.

Allers was way more annoying since she seem to be useless.

Love how everything is connected to the ending...even when its not.

I imported my ME & ME2 character in to game. I also listen to every conversation that happen in the background and did the spectre mission panel. I did everything minus MP and was sitting with 5,895. I would love to see a official post saying there was a glitch. My brother doing a simalar playthru now and is sitting

You ever get the feeling that Kotaku try to provoke outrage sometimes? I got the perfect ending without touching MP I had like a 6K rating.. But people just want the perfend ending without working for it.

I love how everything has to be enlighten and moves someone crusade forward. Jeeze Sometimes a picture a picture. I just don't understand the the energy behind the attitude.

It will be just as good or better than the last season. But it will still get a flock of fans bitching that nothing been as good as season 1 their reason welll just cause and the internet will keep on marching on its merry way to hell.

Hawkeye and Black Widow are two of the biggest names in the Avenger books ever. They show that mortal men can be heros among the "Gods".

Golly I love how this one troll comment cause a Square Vs Bioware. You guys need to relax a bit.

All I am really seeing is the same horrible fans that complain about everything Bioware does and the jerks who feel they shouldn't pay for anything really. Most of you guys will buy the game and purchase all the DLC happily.

My wife always says it not a video game job to make positive view point for women.. that the job of ever woman in real world.. She also says that anyone who gets this worked up is more a problem than a help to the movement..

People are acting like they will play this epic game and in the last five minutes Commander Hackett going come on screen and tell your male Shepard.

They probably want them to join and get a award so they can later use the fact that they have two of the biggest publishers out there to wrangler more suckers in to joining their non-existing union.

@KaL_YoshiKa: Stop the presses.. do we have presses.. anyway.. someone is complaining about COD game and there is boards ablaze.. get the ball we may miss someone rage quit the game on the forums..