Thats Mac and Me money!
Thats Mac and Me money!
I'm too old for this shit.
Great post about the design work of Odallus.
The AR training segments - which are marked on the map - are supposed to function as tutorials.
A.V. Club
Or the "Great Depressed Cooters" exhibit.
Ratfink son.
I don't agree to that.
Who's up for a Rusty Venture?
It's Josh.
The only way to create tension is by killing characters.
Picked up Project CARS for PS4 and am trying to get my Fanatec CSR wheel setup to play nice with it. Should be a frustrating few hours.
I really enjoyed playing it but it felt so inconsequential when I finished it.
Can you go into further detail on this?
He was the son of pink panther, or something.
"It's funny that Google gets a …"
My Apple products grant me immortality.
Perfect from Now On is a great place to start.
Behold! The ultimate pog! (Horn fanfare)
Man, step off!