F F Woodycook

Wait, is Eric Thurm saying "Same Love" is more obnoxious than "We Are the World"? I'm pretty sure WATW is the Michael Jordan of obnoxious 'important' songs.
You may not have been old enough to witness, but trust us old folk that there will never be anything to top it.

oh my god, the internet is eating its own tail!!!

I really wish this article was more usefully organized. What's wrong with good ol' lists?

Is there any chance the Holmes' Murder Castle is still around?

For me:
1. The Immigrant
2. Grand Budapest Hotel
3. Snowpiercer
4. Noah
5. Edge of Tomorrow
6. The Lego Movie
7. X-Men: Days of Future Past
8. Captain America: Winter Soldier
9. Godzilla
10. Muppets Most Wanted

Easy Clint, not everything that mentions race is racist.

This is pretty meta and pretty neat then. I think.

Being hipster does not mean that your point are invalid or incorrect. It just means your smug and have tight jeans on.

well Armond, I'm sure you'd be making a very good point if any of this made any sense.
(genuine question: am I just missing the joke here? sorry if I ruined everything by being the rube)

ah, ok. Now I see. well you make a very valid point then.

explain yourself.

but there is hope…
(queue Real American song)
*Marine Todd kicks down the door of the elementary school*
"You Don't believe in God you AIDS PANTHER?!?!?!?"
*punches panther in the face*

Perfect director: Terry Gilliam. Right?

Stupid question: Was Jonah scared because he was on TV or actually scared of Dan? The latter right? It seems relevant.

…ahem. um, I was told the VD Club is meeting here?