
I read it in the German accent but you could have started with
"Vee have Vays of forgiving your debt"

"if you’re looking for a banana-peel-slip moment, I’ve got one for you: that unexpected honeycomb force field. What is that if not an attempt at an outright joke using a set piece intended to make the audience laugh?"

I do not know about you but I pay my $7.99 for Hulu so I can see current shows without having to get cable. People that complain about the commercials just don't get it. Netflix has the same price but you have to wait a year to see any show.

This is why I never thought "ala carte" would work. Eventually only a few channels/shows would survive and we would be stuck with the shows that cater to the most people and any niche shows would fall by the wayside.

I thought the links to the movie were great. To many times when a series is made from a movie, the movie itself is never referenced. It comes across as "we got this idea for a show but no one will watch it, so we are going to give it the name of movie 'x' and tell our own story"

" If only this show went on its own path instead of being too reliant on the movie."

Ah but Mr. Brainstorm, if the idiot masses accepted your proclamation that you were King and they accepted this because some watery tart threw a sort at you then you would be the Idiot King as you would be the King of the Idiots.

While I understand your comment about IMDB someone should not have to avoid the site if they want to discuss other parts of the show. I should not have to avoid IMDB's Dexter page entirely if I want to discuss something that happened in episode 3. I do avoid the pages because people are inconsiderate of others. It