
Actually I believe it will still work fine with a half helmet. The actual pod is waterproof (or resistant, whatever....have ridden in heavy rain with mine) and I believe the mic would be fine as well. The wind cancelling should help with wind noise, although I can't say for 100%.

I ride and it's not retarded. Have you ever used it? You look like a tool? You MUST be a squid...you must care more about how you look on your bike rather than functionality or safety.

Wow, talk about a very very very very scarce review. I personally own a Scala G4 and it's actually very very good.

I don't disagree that it will be copied. But Apple has a reputation for being praised for stuff they start a trend for, but when they copy another competitor, it's "they did it right." So even though another competitor will make a good, maybe even better system, certain people will still laud apple for doing it first

I am not going to hate on Apple, although I really want to. I am not a fan, I use their products begrudgingly. That being said, I get how it's nice and seamless and all that, but really it's only a HUGE deal if you have multiple iOS or Apple devices.

The first paragraph is "Why should I use Find My Friends?"....it's not just about etiquette. Wow....you really don't want anyone saying anything other than rainbows and unicorns about Apple do you?

Listen, you need to stop attacking people who are stating that this new My friends service is redundant. Yes, this is about etiquette, but it's also directed to etiquette for My friends. If it was truly just about social tracking and sharing, there's no need to talk about My friends or Google latitude. The article was

Actually, you're wrong!

That's how I feel this pans out. ugh....

Yes it has had backgrounding for quite awhile now.

OR.....you can use Google Latitude with their very efficient web app and background updating and be able to keep track of not just your friends who have an iPhone, but anyone with a Google account.

That's my thought...I figure between the upgraded OS of ICS with the additional GPU aided GUI (I know it already is somewhat, just not completely) combined with the extra horsepower, it will be on par with the smoothness of an iPad.

Are you being serious?

I understand playing the waiting game with tech is dangerous, but like I said, I feel like they are on the cusp of creating a buttery smooth powerful tablet that will actually start to make some waves. Or at least, one that I will NEED to have hahaha :)

Man I hope a killer Android tablet comes out for the holidays that will be worth the purchase. I really want an Android tablet, but right now, I feel they are on the verge of something great with ICS and new processor, screens, etc. that buying one now would just be a waste. Ugh...hurry up, I am getting tablet fever!

"Amazing".....really???....this is why people make the fanboy comment by the way!

and your point is.....??????

Doh...edit fail...

Actually you're wrong, it IS a trademark lawsuit!

Okay...that is awesome....i just wish you could zoom in more and fly lower! I know it's a novelty, but holy crap is it fun!