
completely agree....i like hearing tech sides of this. if you are a tech junkie, how can you not want to know about the tech that led to his downfall, or the windfall of information recovered at his mansion. this is all very relevant and interesting.

Yeah I don't think that is a realistic fear in any regard. The amount of time to mirror an HDD is very long. In addition, for it to be considered forensically sound, i.e., to hold up in court, it has to be verified which takes even more time. We are far from where everything will be imaged, maybe inventoried, but

I don't disagree that they aren't looking for audio, but if they are looking for hidden files, you can't get those just looking at the data for the backend OS. That has to be done by imaging the memory space, which I repeat cannot be done in 15 minutes. At best, that 15 minutes gives you a settings, db, etc. dump of

I completely agree...I really enjoy lifehacker, it just doesn't have the urgency I feel with giz to keep up with it. Hopefully you can bring a fresh look to it jason! best of luck!

I agree, I was upset based on the info leaning towards it will only hold stuff you purchase from itunes. If it's $20 for anything, kudos to them and I will use it. I never expected them to offer free space, but rather free for stuff you already pay them for!

Although I can't see the video, let me again put some people at a little more ease. It's not likely copying the entire physical media. 15 minutes, you CAN'T do a bit for bit copy of an iphone. I imaged an ipod with a cellebrite kit and it took upwards of 8-9 hours for a 16gb (i think it was 16 may have been a 32). Bit

I would say no. I can't see the video at work, but i am assuming it just gathers info from the sql database on the phone, therefore no reconstruction of files.

Agreed, forensically speaking, it is HIGHLY unlikely if even possible. Memory management on phones is to strict to allow reconstruction of deleted files.

That's all fine and dandy assuming you use iTunes to get your music. From what it sounds like, you can only store iTunes music. On top of that, why pay $20 more to have it stored when stores like Amazon have already set a precedence for storing it in the cloud for free if you buy from them?

Yeah what the hell....according to the post about mobileME it says you will pay $20 to store music you have downloaded from iTunes, i.e., already bought. So you are going to charge me $20 to store music I already paid you for.

I am not 100% sure as it was here when I got here. But I do know to get just a license for UFED Physical Analyzer Pro 2.0 is upwards over $2k. I would assume the device is a few thousand as well. I also understand that many many cell shops have them for transferring data from one phone to the next. (It's their dirty

Thanks, I am sort of excited! :)

@Naveed Iqbal

I actually use a cellebrite for my job. One, the article is a little over sensationalized. Yes it can grab history information, but all it grabs is "deleted" stuff that is cached in the sql lite (i believe that's the sql package) that apple runs on it's ios devices. Secondly, it does NOT recover deleted items like say

Amen brother! LOL!!!

No offense Justin, but you are radically defending the other side that you sort of pin on Sam. You may not be outright saying it, but you are.

oh man....i miss my double dragon tiger handheld....

you know...I can't pretend that I know about nuclear physics or radiation levels...I am just your average guy when it comes to these topics...but in the beginning, I was scared for what may happen. Rather than the supporters of nuclear being cautious about what may happen, they quickly dismissed it and made those of

Exactly....as being from the legal field (we'll stop there)...disclaimers are not meant to bind someone to a legal contract as alluded to in the article. Rather the disclaimer is to put one on notice that if information is not used for it's intended purpose, the sender should not be held liable and two, if the

No offense but you are grossly misinformed....HOAs are not as common as you think. I live in the suburbs of Chicago, a far FAR cry from the where only "3 farmers" would see me and I don't have a HOA. My parents live IN Chicago and don't have an HOA. The only time I had one was when I lived in a condo in the loop of