
If a bear is filmed in the woods and no article is written on deadspin about it, does it still exist? Yes, yes it does. YouTube search: Bears + funny. Save you copying and pasting your comment 4 more times here.

Something like this then. Or the obligatory....

As long as there’s still 1 ‘best fan’ reading these articles, and irked enough to comment and subsequently cry into their morning cereal, we will push forward. To the very last! Best series in baseball.

My cord is already cut (Join me brothers!) but I will gladly stream, and pay my fee through advertising pop-ups I quickly close. If big bad cable catches up someday (they won’t) and prevents universal free stream, then I’ll find something else to do with my time, maybe ill get good at picollo - probably just comment

Your pricing strategy argument makes sense and but your statement was ‘no one will pay $0.05 for it’ (which I agree with). So you’re not talking about bread and water (actual needs in the pyramid), you’re talking about, idk, the option to eat with lobster claws instead of forks. No one will pay $0.05 for that. If it’s

Why do channels exist ‘no one is going to pay more than $0.05 for’? is the question then. Someone made a mistake that they’re to proud to dissolve or we’re all sheep than can only be brainwashed by the perfect combo of TNT, CBS, ESPN, and TruTV. I mean, is it the pet project of some tv execs idiot kid and no one can

But that’s not the meaning of the word cheap. You can’t just change the definition of commonly known words and disperse your own dictionary through kinja. It’s full price because of cable monopolies. If they only sold bananas bundled with strawberries and oranges, they’d create a market for the guy buying the bundle

Could’ve happened yesterday based on your story and the hateful people in our society. Plus it’s never too late to learn that telling someone to ‘fuck off’ isn’t good for your safety, nor ever going to solve an altercation. How would I know you learned that, you are the one scoffing and arguing for saying ‘fuck off’

You just compared the nazis and their gas chambers to people that say they don’t want gays on their favorite basketball team in 2016.... No small feat. You win the internet hyperbole award for today. I haven’t read every comment posted to the www, but I feel confident in your qualifications.

But all suicide rates are rising over the last 30 years. That’s in a society that, while far from perfect, is more PC, more spoken out for the minority, has a louder voice standing up than ever before. That’s one of Drew’s main points above, the country is less accepting of bullying bullshit overall. And still suicide

Calling the cops was probably a good call, and even letting them know you did was probably safest. But telling them to ‘fuck off’ wasn’t particularly necessary, didn’t hit them down deep later, and probably only risked escalating the situation while lowering yourself a level or two. So yea, the parts of that strategy

If you’re struggling with the fact that an anvil doesn’t fall on their head, you’re letting pride and insecurity get in your way of moving past the asshole’s noise. Every asshole has a motive and it’s generally they’re unhappy, empty, or jealous of something you have so they try to strip you of your benefits. They are

He literally won’t do a damn thing. It’s a popularity contest and he just wants to win. Trumpeters outrage and disappointment at this would be thoroughly enjoyable b/c they think they’re trying to ‘stick it to politics, yea!’. But people are also inflammatory idiots that think Trump could or even would change much of

Equating someone’s actual actions to the hypothetical propositions of someone else. Now those are 2 very different things, good on you. But you’re a fantastic mental gymnast so I’m not sure you’ll understand this pat on the back.

This is so very good. You forgot “swinging hard enough” though.

Do you invest in reading every word deadspin dispenses? Congrats deadspin, you found one. So you’re telling me it’s worth your time to complain about a non-controversial joke piece on a free service? If you passed store x and they were giving out free product, would you stop inside and complain you don’t care for it?

Don’t click on it, the drop is in the title. When you figure out the pattern here, you can develop a strategy to save these precious minutes.

You look smarter in person than you sound in print. I just lost a bet.

Dolphins fan with no knowledge of football players or football news since randy moss and Warren Sapp played... I can fully believe that you’re not faking this extreme ignorance.

Google Search: “Demarcus Lawrence” “Randy Gregory” “Josh Gordon” “Justin Blackmon”. That should be enough to take your time through the rest of the morning. I’ve got more though, if you’re an overachiever.