
I say again: We are watching completely different shows.

I have to say I disagree. Anders’s novel reminded me of The Left Hand of Darkness by Le Guin. It’s strange and moves slowly, yes, and hops from place to place, but its big ideas are the questions themselves and the realism imbued in the interactions. You don’t spend much time in this review discussing the Gelet and

This reminds me of my absolute favorite story from the life of Jesus: Jesus and the Centurion. For those not familiar, Jesus, after giving his Sermon on the Mount, was approached by a Centurion or a delegation on his behalf (the account varies depending on which gospel you read), who pleaded with Jesus to heal a

If Chris Pratt really finds nothing wrong with and accepts gay people, then what is it about these churches that drive him to turn a blind eye to these churches’ anti-gay stance and rhetoric? And especially to the potential that the church is playing a part in raising their kids by filling their heads with bigoted idea

And they’d be all “Us?! What the hell are you doing here?”
And he’d be like, “Hey, I asked first!”
And they’d be like, “We’re excluding the gays and whatnot! Now you!”
And he’d be like, “Woooo, I’m a ghost!”
And they’d be all, “Shiiiiiiiiiit”
And he’d be like, “Nah, I’m fooling. I’m actually just a fiction.”
And they’d be

At least she wasn’t killed randomly by an oil monster.

I think this is the episode that finally won me over to this show. I was always slightly put off by the 90s trek retro feel to it but I actually embraced that this week.

Not just the return of a Voyager alum, but guest star turns from two “Star Trek” doctors, with Enterprise’s John Billingsley as Cambis. When they started talking about the son working at a medical school I was hoping for a meta joke about it, or maybe even Gates McFadden or Alexander Siddig showing up at the very end

How are you this unaware? The rest of the English-speaking world says it “zed”. “Zee” is an American English pronunciation.

We get it, you’re a fucking racist shithead. Don’t need to write an essay about it.

I’m actually more annoyed when I get asked by a server how I would like my burger done. It’s not a steak! It’s ground beef. You could get yourself killed eating a pink burger if the internal temp isn’t high enough! Perhaps there is some healthy variation, but ordering it like a steak implies it would be healthy to

Why wouldn’t she have time to send a message? She wasn’t hiding that she was communicating with the Discovery and she’s the captain. She could have hailed the Disco a minute after Tyler/Voq was taken to the transporter room and explained everything she needed to inside of thirty seconds without having to explain the

Let’s get real here for a moment. The UFP of supposed to be a kind of worldwide government that represents all of earth. White people only represent about 15% of the earth’s population, roughly one billion or so, between the US and Europe. (Canada and Australia’s populations are too small to be statistically

i’ve now seen it twice and i have to say i mostly like it. if the MCU didn’t exist it would probably be in the very top of superhero movies, however the MCU does exist so it’s more like 17th best.

This might be favorite episode so far! And I was so pleasantly surprised at the way Ed dealt with the revelation about Kelly.

I liked the idea that John expressed, namely, that not everyone wants to live to the maxiumum of whatever potential he or she might have. Clearly he understands that the point of life is not to attain the highest office possible; rather, the point of life is to be content.

This is why Riker is my favourite character in

You’re 11 episodes in and have come here to complain.  Troll or just sad loser?

John’s ultimate explanation about his reluctance to demonstrate his intelligence as a consequence of growing up on a colony full of blue collar-types with little patience for brainy people was interesting, but also a bit unsatisfying as a one-paragraph synopsis for an entire lifetime of self-muting behavior.

John’s ultimate explanation about his reluctance to demonstrate his intelligence as a consequence of growing up on a colony full of blue collar-types with little patience for brainy people was interesting, but also a bit unsatisfying as a one-paragraph synopsis for an entire lifetime of self-muting behavior.