
Because a developer retroactively breaking a promise that they initially made about maximizing player freedom is totally not offensive.

How dare they make a very long-running game series featuring as a central plot point hereditary/genetic memory and then force the main character to procreate!

I think its because they boast and brag about how their writing is so diverse and then they just turn around and create an ending that is the opposite of what they say and do.

You don’t have to be creative at all to be offended by this if you’re the one being repeatedly told that your personal identity is a fleeting, and ultimately inconsequential, choice that you will eventually “grow out of”. Doesn’t take a whole lot of imagination to understand how that would be hurtful....just takes the

Or, you know, Ubisoft can stick to the original promise of having a character that can align with the player’s sexual orientation. Instead they sorta shoved some sort of conversion idealism down the player’s throat then called it “Growing Up” via a trophy. I’m a heterosexual male, and even I shake my head at that

Um, no.

The article is saying “The game sucks but this base is cool”. And all those things are true at the same time. One doesn’t make the other any less true. If anything, even more respect to the guy.

Yeah, like how GTA Online “balanced out” by becoming a playground for rich trolls with flying bikes and orbital weapon strikes.

You don’t like seeing women in your game play a fucking different game. Make your own WW2 shooter! Just keep your snowflake politics out of my games. What’s next having a special forces unit that can hold a bunch of different weapons and ammo and picks up ammo by walking over it and can get shot multiple times and

I’m not saying we should force diversity in historical stuff. I’m not saying we can’t change some stuff up to make games interesting either. I’m just pointing out the reactions about women in a war game when 18 years ago we just didn’t care about that stuff.

I don’t know how old you are, but I suspect when you were a kid that racists, misogynists, and homophobes weren’t being called out as much as they are now, and so weren’t feeling as persecuted.

It’s funny, when I was a kid nobody complained about things that would be “SJW” labeled today. Kids today would lose their minds about how much SJW propaganda was being shoved down our throats in the 80s, 90s and 00s.

Meanwhile in the year 2000

Seeing people who have callously committed horrific acts on other people start to cry when forced to take (some) responsibility for their conduct always makes me hate them even more.

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News App is in my “CrApple” box with all the rest of the stock apps and I welcome my new adblocking Safari overlords.

paris dakar hooned as well!

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