Ffffe Fjjj

….you're looking for a particular response here. Someone will give it!

The moon landing, too, was something Austin watches in astonishment.

The "where's the beef" lady. That is some obscure 1980s pop culture there.

As long as we remember that the "thanks for the spoiler" people are drooling morons.

God I hate this idiocy so much. Can't talk about anything, because some special, special snowflake out there might not have read the book they've had their whole lives to read.

Mystified by the hate for this show in the comments. This show is funny!

What part of "six months ago" are you people not getting

You're a dumb fuck. Shut up with your whining about the movie that came out six months ago,

I remember when the dipshit reviewing "Boardwalk Empire" for this site censored a post of mine about the death of Jess Smith because it was a "spoiler", despite the fact that Jess Smith was a real person.

If Tom Hanks ran for President as a Democrat in 2020, he would win, right?

"Within You Without You" is the weak spot on the album and one of George's worst Beatles songs. They would have been better served putting "Blue Jay Way" on there.

Do any serious people still say Ringo was lousy?

At least the guy who said that admitted he was wrong and signed The Rolling Stones.

Preston apparently came up with the keyboard solo on "Get Back" on his own.

Among the goofiest things I've ever seen is throwing an extra "a" into "flutist" for no goddamn reason at all. We don't call a person who plays guitar a "gauitarist" and the person at the piano is not a pianaoist.

I kind of hate that they're loading it up with a bunch of outtakes. Just sell the goddamn album.

I guess I don't feel like retreating into the bubble.

I'm amazed this article exists. An in-depth analysis of the most crucial episodes of, uh, Samantha Bee's "Daily Show" ripoff liberal confirmation bias circle jerk.

I didn't get picked on, really.

I've been there! Actually lived there for a few years as a child. Been back to visit from time to time.