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Best end credits sequence of all time.

It's just the oddest thing. Valentine can't stand the fact that a Sherlock Holmes show is about Sherlock Holmes.

One day CBS will develop a show called "Joan" and then Genevieve Valentine will be deliriously happy. Preferably a show called "Joan" that doesn't have any mysteries.

"English teachers teaching Standard English to a classroom speaking different diälects."

Well, I don't care who he is, but your use of the spoiler tag is really dumb.

Well, in "reality", inserting "and Henry" doesn't make "Me like to swim" any better.

Indeed, our rules are easy. If that is the case for saying "Me and Henry like to swim" then it's a poor case indeed.

Ha ha, fuck 'em. Our dialect, when it differs, is usually either 1) more logical, as the word "color" really doesn't need that "u", or 2) more traditionalist, since we retained "gotten" and still use "sick" to mean "ill" and some such.

Descriptivists like this person are in their own way just as narrow-minded and judgmental as the prescriptivists they abhor. "Literally" is a word worth fighting for. Using the word in the exact opposite sense than what it actually means makes the word and the language worse. When you say "through the wringer", you

Why the fuck is the name of a real person spoiler tagged?

I often wonder if descriptivists realize that the logical end point of their point of view is to end all instruction in English grammar and writing. Since, after all, there are no rules and language is whatever anyone says it is.

Gotta throw the bullshit flag here. Ten minutes of a woman sitting at a table is not compelling.

Jesus tapdancing Christ, this film is boring. Boooooooooring. And I get it that it's boring on purpose to get an idea across, the soul-numbing tedium of domestic work. But how is boring on purpose any better than accidentally boring? OK, patriarchy is bad, forcing women into domestic roles is bad…but five minutes

Beef ragout, cheese soufflé, pie and pudding en flambé!

Also: duh, yes


Seriously. I wonder who would play the Melanie Griffith part?

"Chaplin" is not a good movie. Although it does have both Diane Lane and Moira Kelly topless.

"Elizabethtown" and "North" killed two great directors.

Having said that, I do think "Bosch" is over-plotted. That bit about finding out who killed his mother, that was a whole book and probably could have been a whole season. Instead it was a subplot that took up the last episode-and-a-half of Season 2.