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It's a good movie but it did lose me a little bit at the end, with the notion that Poe would keep marching his pawn down the board without realizing he'd already lost.

Cameron Crowe lost his fastball after this movie and it is a genuinely sad thing. From "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" through this film, that guy made a lot of great movies. Then a lot of crap. It's really too bad.

You should try reading some of the books. They're a cut above Mary Higgins Clark or Sandra Brown, or Grisham for that matter.

I'm a big fan of "Almost Famous" and I have no desire to see the "Untitled" version. That movie was great, but it didn't need to be any longer than it is. And apparently the "Untitled" cut involves William playing his mom "Stairway to Heaven" or some such. The whole song. Like, they literally sit and listen to the

Why do you hate to admit it? It's a good show. Just because a show uses a lot of cop show tropes doesn't mean it's terrible.

"Remember that other site I was briefly banned from, then let back into?"

"I was excited about Joan and Kitty working together in Sherlock’s absence; that was, clearly, optimistic."

Hot take: sweet jumping Jesus was Kristy Swanson hot.


Ha, this is exactly what I thought. Way to make sure you don't sell any books, dummies.

So should CBS air fewer episodes of "Elementary"?

Dana Delany! Still gorgeous! They should hire her for a permanent gig.

You probably wouldn't like that Tiffany Vasquez chick that's been hosting on Saturdays and isn't 30 years old yet.

That doesn't seem like the point. It doesn't seem like Valentine's point, at least. She seems to visualize some sort of domestic serial drama. She seems to resent the "procedural" part of the show for being part of the show. She does not seem to grasp that Sherlock Holmes is a detective who solves mysteries and

"Elementary‘s procedural fatigue is fairly well established by now"

She egged on a duel that got George Brent's character killed. That was pretty bad.

No, that's absolutely true. My wife is from Central Asia. She holds up her thumb, index, and middle fingers to signal "three".

Why does anyone regard this as a plot hole and why is there a contorted explanation necessary? It's easy.

She was groomed as a Jean Harlow knockoff. I don't know if I'd call her an absolute beauty, but she certainly had a curvy figure and sex appeal.

"The Unknown" is fucking fantastic but it really isn't the best example for a Joan Crawford intro. It's a Lon Chaney vehicle all the way and Crawford is just the love interest.