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I had a subscription to that for a while when I was a young single man. It was the oddest thing. It was a straight up news digest. It would start with Victoria Sinclair delivering a report about Bush asking the UN for Iraq war authorization or something, looking straight at the camera as she took her clothes off.

So so so good-looking. Almost good-looking enough for me to watch some pointless TV show about a pointless rich lady who never did anything interesting in her entire life. So good looking.

Guess it was too much to ask for Monroe to learn one goddamn line.

The fascinating thing is that if anyone is being a creep in this scenario, it's Billy fucking Wilder. Not random men on the street watching an actress film a scene in public.

Is it ok to gawk at her face, then?

She was a bad actress. She tried to get all dramatic in "The Misfits" and she just couldn't do it. Of course, coming to work loaded on tranqulizers probably didn't help.

Dude, Bette Davis was, in AV Club parlance, STACKED. Had that odd-looking face that kept her from being a real sex symbol, but if she'd been shooting a scene like that in 1934 or something she'd have attracted her fair share of gawkers.

She was a huge, huge star at this point in her career, yes.

Imagine, men gawking…at Marilyn Monroe. Who didn't owe her success to being incredibly sexy, no, no sir. It certainly isn't possible that Monroe was a pretty poor actress and her smashing success in Hollywood was due to her being sexually attractive and being gawked at by men. Men who were gross and bad.

I wanna read the think piece about how Kristen Wiig was a creepy pervert in the new "Ghostbusters".

Let's move the goalposts, people! Let's compare watching a film shoot on a public street to following a stripper home and peeping through her window! Whee!

Why were you filming videos with models in underwear?

Non-consensual? So Marilyn Monroe was forced against her will to film that scene? Was Billy WIlder holding a gun to her head?

What they really need to do is bring back all the Skinemax—sorry, "Cinemax After Dark"—nudie flicks. That's the only reason for Cinemax to exist.

Yes. The kid was guilty.

Yes. The kid was guilty.

Jesus Christ, an oral history of a TV documentary? What's next, an oral history of that one time they built a Dairy Queen?

No, and you're dumb.

Shelley Long is available.

More a matter of Lynch being unable to get funding. Hasn't he commented in the past that he can't get any money to make movies anymore? In our brave new world of comic book and superhero movies there are no dollars for films aimed at grown ups.