"East wind", of course, being a reference to the end of Sherlock Holmes story "His Last Bow".
"East wind", of course, being a reference to the end of Sherlock Holmes story "His Last Bow".
Hello from 15 years later! I liked this a lot, although the end was a little heavy handed with the mom dying and whatnot.
So, not a documentary about the Battle of the Bulge. Bummer.
I remember in the old days with Todd Van der Werff or however you spell that, I got used to skipping the first two paragraphs of any review he wrote because it was always him prattling about himself.
So we're ok with the AV Club passing off advertising as news?
Is this a paid article?
Kurutta Ippeiji, aka "A Page of Madness".
TCM had a run of Japanese films recently and I've been working my way through them. Hated "The Ballad of Narayama". Hated it. I find as I get older I get less and less tolerant of movies that are unending misery and despair.
I think that for me, the earliest film that succeeds as a work of art, rather than a historical curiosity, is D.W. Griffith's "A Corner in Wheat", 1909. That's a very moving film. Although one could make a case for "A Trip to the Moon" for its bizarre spectacle.
They totally did, for a while. Silent film in 1927-28 was hitting incredible peaks. Chaplin, Lloyd, and Keaton were all hitting home runs, then there was FW Murnau making "Sunrise", Lang making "Metropolis" over in Germany, King Vidor making his masterpieces "The Crowd" and "Show People". Truly just a monster run…
Please make up a list of what language you, the authority, have decided we, straight white males, are and are not allowed to use.
"Steamboat Bill Jr." contains the famous gag where a wall falls on Keaton, with the window right where he's standing.
Three hours later IT STILL SAYS "RINGER"
"Barney Miller" is the greatest American sitcom of all time.
"The Adventures of Pinocchio" could not have been the first animated film, because that was "The Adventures of Prince Achmed".
"Egg…I dreamed that I was old."
Am I correct in reading here that they did in fact tell her? Just right before shooting, that is?
Anita Ekberg.
Don't have to go see a movie for that. Here it is, blood and all.