Ffffe Fjjj

I remember that one! That one and this one really stick in my mind. I remember at the end when everyone is speaking total gibberish Klein has to dedicate himself to re-learning English. He opens up a children's book and it has a picture of a dog with the word "Saturday".

Boy, did it. I was born in 1973 which means I loved the Superman films unconditionally. But Superman IV was just staggeringly cheap looking, right from the opening titles.

It's about time, dammit. We need a retroactive review of the season premiere.

It was two days before his sentencing. The trial was over, but one is not officially "convicted" of a crime until one is sentenced. On the day of his sentencing he would have lost his pension by being convicted of a crime. Shooting himself meant that his wife could claim his pension.

Very true. She could have killed herself at home or driven her car to someplace isolated, but she chose to do it live on the air. Christine Chubbuck would probably be pleased that someone made a movie about her.

Christine has been dead for 42 years so, you know, she's a little past worrying about this.

Random Trivia: Craig Sager, well known for decades as a sports sideline and court side reporter for Turner Broadcasting, also well known for his garish plaid sports coats—-and currently dying of cancer, sadly—was a co-worker of Chubbuck's. He attended the party she threw a couple of days before she offed herself but

I'm gonna have to throw the bullshit flag on this one, sorry, unless by "loosely" we mean "Veronica Corningstone and Jessica Savitch were both women on TV." What the tragic story of Savitch and the fictional character in a goofy comedy have to do with each other, I don't know.

LIFE magazine. Tarawa, I think.

I read a book about this, "A Kim Jong Il Production". I came out of the book thinking that Shin made up the whole kidnapping story and in fact willingly defected to the North.

I'm so glad that "Go West" appeared on this list. That's a great song.

Stomach cancer is one of the ones that pretty much 100% mean you're a goner, right?

…ok, now I'm watching this show. Thanks!

I hated that. "They're both awful" is always cheap and lazy and never more so than this year.

If anyone's curious, this is a reference to the TV show "Lost"

you're dumb

This and Leo getting shot in the face in "The Departed" as noted above. Didn't see that coming at all.

That was horrifying. Adam Goldberg gurgling as the German shoves a knife in his guts inch by inch.

Cromwell was in something like a half-dozen episodes of "Barney Miller" playing a half-dozen different characters. In one he plays a police sketch artist who's bitter because he wanted to be a Great Artist but is stuck making drawings of muggers.

"Have You Told Anyone Else?"