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My favorite is when Smith drops the "Rollo Tomassi" name to Exley. Guy Pearce playing on his face, all at one time, the shock of realization, the fear, and then the desperate struggle to keep his face straight while looking Smith in the eyes this whole time. Then the way his head whips around when Smith walks away.

"HELLO GIRLS!" Leave it to Kevin Spacey to be the most terrifying Pixar villain ever.

For a guy with a reputation as an auteur in many circles, Brian De Palma has done a lot of shit. And not ambitious failures of the Nathan Rabin "Fiasco" school, but just regular old shit. And most of the good movies he made were Hitchcock ripoffs.

I knew who Johnny Stompanato was, so I knew where that scene was going. I wonder what was better, to know what was going to happen as soon as the hot blonde turns up and wait for it, or to not know and be blindsided.

Brian Blessed uses the "face goes slack" mode to portray the death of Augustus in "I, Claudius". It's done quite well as Augustus, who is dying of the poison his wife LIvia's been putting on the figs, kind of watches her with only his eyeballs moving while she goes on her motive rant, until his eyes stop moving and

Taught my daughter to play chess last year, enrolled her in an after-school Tuesday chess club this week. Stoked about this movie.

I read the book about this, "A Kim Jong-Il" production, and came away from it convinced that Shin was making things up and in fact had defected.

Nine seasons of "Cheers"? Why not all of them? How else will one see the Bebe Neuwirth-Emma Thompson cat fight in "One Hugs, The Other Doesn't"?

I don't see what's wrong, necessarily, with giving Crozier psychic powers, since the whole story is a tale of the supernatural.

The Earhart thing bewilders me. She ran out of gas in the middle of the goddamn Pacific Ocean, because her incompetent navigator literally misled her. She crashed and died. Why this need to build elaborate mystery stories?

Gotta say, it was super-easy to turn away from that live stream. In fact, I didn't tune in at all.

I became aware of the existence of this Rachel Bloom person in some AV Club thread about how Hollywood beauty standards are Bad, and I thought "My God she is sexy." So I'm gonna watch this show now.

I think all of it's left. But most of it was wooden buildings so that shit got eaten up by the desert quickly. I recall reading an article once, someone went to the site and found little evidence people had ever been there other than a few rusted-out vehicles.

Both also involved a lot of dying. Jamestown had an astronomical mortality rate. They were starving, and eating the dead.

The most fascinating thing I learned from reading about the Moscone/Milk murders, other than what a disgraceful miscarriage of justice the trial was, was how much the Jonestown thing tied into it. Dan White pulled his resignation ploy, and that was a big deal, for like three days or something until Jonestown. And

I think it's very well documented, like in "Raven", how Jones was popping a lot of pills and not sleeping.

"Trust me, I know what I'm doing."

Peak Markie was "Christine's Friend", the episode where guest star Sela Ward makes Christine jealous because she's receiving all the attention, so Christine wears this tight white dress with a huge cutout window to show off her cleavage. Dan looks at said cleavage and says "So, those are new."


I forgot, there's also Myrtle's comment in "Goblet of Fire" about how "almost ALL the bubbles were gone" when Cedric figured out the egg in the bubble bath, strongly implying of course that Myrtle was gawking at him. There's also a comment about how Cedric was distracted by the topless mermaids in the bath "flashing