That's me!
That's me!
My goodness, I can't agree that civil service reform was a secret plot to victimize black people. That's just good government, hiring people that are competent instead of one's cronies.
The funny thing about conspiracy theories is that they only attach themselves to presidents we care about. We care about the Kennedy assassination, so people whip up goofy stories about second gunmen and grassy knolls rather than just accepting that, you know, Lee Harvey Oswald shot the president after he read about…
I thought that book was pretty weak, honestly. And I wanted to like it, really I did. But Millard just makes a whole host of very questionable assumptions as far what Garfield might have accomplished. It writes like a fan club profile. Some of the things she suggests almost certainly aren't true—the Republicans…
It doesn't even work that well 1869-1884. There's no way that Fogg wouldn't have noticed the calendar date while he was crossing America, and realized that his count was off by a day.
You know who looks like Zooey? Katy Perry. Take Zooey, give her a spectacular rack, there you are.
"Sympbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take One" was made 16 years before "Spinal Tap".
Yeah, Trey and Matt are really, actually conservatives, and pretty cynical ones at that. Remember the "Douche and Turd" election? It's not like that election was important or anything. They're the kind of smug, shitty cynical white people who hold anyone who cares about anything in contempt.
Was there a reason to hide a title in spoiler tags?
Spinal Tap the group always reminded me of the Bee Gees in that they were both Beatle-ish folk rock groups that radically reinvented themselves to seize on a new trend. The difference obviously being that the Bee Gees jumped head first into disco while Spinal Tap went for hair metal.
Nothing about "North", hm?
"You can't dust for vomit."
Ladislas Starevich or GTFO. "The Camerman's Revenge", everybody. Stop motion with dead bugs! It's great!
He's a goddamn genius. Never made a bad movie.
If you want to go old school, F.W. Murnau was killed in a car wreck at the age of 42.
I've seen both and the 1925 film is loads better. Novarro gives a way better performance.
He was also responsible for "The Irony of Fate 2", so that's another black eye.
Ramon Novarro or GTFO
The staff of Deadspin is a bunch of raging assholes. Even when I agree with them, which is usually, I feel bad.