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In general I agree with the post made by Hank_Dolworth a little bit below this thread. That Hollywood, TV, the movies, feature attractive people looking attractive, because that's what we want to see on movies and TV. I know that's what I like to see. I can see dumpy unattractive people every morning in my bathroom

Yes? There are male actors out there who aren't very good actors but get by with a pretty face. Kit Harrington springs to mind. That Taylor Lautner dude earned some nice paychecks for a while by never wearing a shirt.

I do realize it!

Sorry, Rachel Bloom, but you're still sexy as all hell.

Eh, she's not my favorite anyway. It's just that this overwrought hysteria about a good-looking woman being shown off in a Hollywood movie is pretty silly. Honestly, there's a reason Margot Robbie is an actress instead of a dumpy working-class schlub like, I dunno, me.

Yes, it's awful that a gorgeous woman is deployed onscreen in a manner that shows off her attractiveness and sexiness. Just awful. So terrible terrible bad.

Jesus Christ. "Squirrel Girl"? Scraping the bottom of the comic book barrel, are we?

The Robbins-Crampton-Kinmont coke-fueled three-way will, no doubt, make a great story for that memoir.

She looked really good naked. Really, really good.

I liked it a lot. All the male characters except for one were horrible douchebags and/or monsters, but it's a novel about Manson Girls written by a woman, so that was easy to see coming—it would have been shocking if "Men are the worst!" hadn't been the theme.

Worst President Ever!

There was a New York Times article about his defection. Some reporter interviewed him in Moscow.

So good-looking. So very, very good-looking.

Yeah, I love Scott in that part. I remember the confrontation between the two in "The Reichenbach Fall", where Moriarty starts talking in an American accent for a few lines for just no goddamn reason. So delightfully creepy.


I have.

Heather Graham would have been good for that part too. She was big then, and she was sexy, which is pretty much mandatory for playing Marion, but which bony Anne Heche was not.

I'm no Rihanna fan but I think the general idea is simply that Marion got Norman horny, so Marion had to die. So it could be any attractive actress.

Horribly, horribly miscast, just like everyone else in that movie except William H. Macy.

Good Lord was Janet Leigh sexy. Just ridiculously hot.