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Isn't that polyamory? I think we'd all be cool with Sousa and these hot women forming a relationship.

Yes, I kind of wanted to see Bloody Mary ruining some Protestant shit.

…she is a comic book villain. This is a comic book show.

Violet was also Mary Tudor on "The Tudors".

I like how Hayley Atwell's voice goes up in pitch when she does an American accent.


Well, they managed to find the only actress in Hollywood with bigger breasts than Hayley Atwell, and cast her as Ray Wise's secretary. Good Lord.

This is incorrect. "King" is a great album.

I think my fair share would be a pint of blood from the rich after we slit their throats in the public square.

No, you don't understand, we're talking about good things.

I've been asking for this for 20 years, goddammit.

I was confused by that at the time. "King" was a great record, but it tanked.

Gail Greenwood, rocked out to everything.

I remember trying to download and print out an 8x10 of Tanya Donnelly in, oh, 1992 or 1993. It took something like an hour.


They can do what they wanna, even blow off Madonna.

No. "Cimarron" is worse.

Then there's the Stepin Fetchit style painfully racist comic relief servant.

It's weird, thought—the movie is so gross and disgusting that the oral terror is undercut, if that makes any sense.

With the PE Coach laughing as Kim Cattrall is moaning and screaming in the attic? Good stuff.