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That's silly. Some places are awesome, and some are not.

Yes, a 1980s pop song and apartheid are connected. No wonder your wife is divorcing you.

I'm telling y'all, Douglas Fairbanks in "The Mark of Zorro", that's the birth of the action film.

Probably one of the earliest uses of "shit" in an American film. Also "In Cold Blood" which came out about the same time.

You didn't read my post! I named four of those movies!

I tried to watch "Oliver!" once. God. Made it, I dunno, about 30 minutes in, to the part where Fagin is singing some goddamn song to all his little child criminals. Gave up in disgust.

In this Oscar season, when we stand united in denouncing the monstrous injustice perpetrated by, uh, an awards show, this article is a good chance to talk about the Oscars of 1968.

I liked this movie a lot, I did. The car chase is justly famous. Steve McQueen plays the kind of manly tough guy cop that you just cannot find in movies these days. Maybe Tom Hardy could play that role, I don't know.

I guess I'm one of those purely pedantic people, because I thought Douglas Fairbanks invented the action film with "The Mark of Zorro" in 1920.

Many years ago when I was a teenager I went through a phase of reading theater scripts for some reason, probably just because our local library had a collection or two. Read the "Caine Mutiny" play. That speech by the lawyer at the end knocked me right on my ass.

"Courage, Merry. Courage for our friends."

It's a great one though, isn't it?

The "30 for 30" feature on that was great. Had the very interesting contrarian take that Jordan actually did shockingly well for someone who hadn't picked up a bat since high school.

He'll never top the pimp hat he wore in "The Last Waltz"


I was sad to read a couple of years ago that Cinemax was retiring "Cinemax After Dark". What other reason does Cinemax have to exist? I wonder what Gabriella Hall is up to these days.

…no, no it isn't. You answer your own question. A movie about a bunch of men, going off to rescue other men. The female role will feel needless and redundant.

There was chick on "Elementary" for a while named "Ophelia Lovibond".

I remember once reading a review of "The Borgias" that called Holliday Grainger the whitest woman who ever lived.

There are certain great tragedies in the history of our civilization, missed opportunities, roads not taken. Among these: Jenna Fischer never taking her top off in a movie.