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This is a great movie and Tracy is great as Manuel, although apparently Tracy didn't think so, and was somewhat embarrassed to be playing a Portuguese fisherman.

I loved all three of those movies, yes I did, I'm not one of those nitpicking freaks who are still bitter about Tom Bombadil.

"I am no man."

You most certainly are not. We seem to be reaching a point where the only thing we can talk about in regards to any entertainment vehicle is how many black people are in it and how they are used.

The important thing is that Sawa got to indulge in some idiotic moral grandstanding. Let's not forget that.

Isn't it wonderful?

Three paragraphs about how there are no black women on the show before we get to the actual review.

The DVR is indispenable for fast-forwarding past everything with Leslie Jones.

Laura Kightlinger!

Jones is the worst, just the absolute worst.

Unfortunately this controversy also got us Leslie Jones, who is the worst.

Ha! Actually, nothing about Jews in the Nazi movie. The whole idea is that Ismay and John Jacob Astor and the rest were a bunch of greedy plutocrats. England as the land of greedy plutocrats screwing over regular people was a staple of Nazi propaganda.

I saw a "Titanic" children's book at Barnes and Noble not all that long ago.

Another thing I love about the Cameron movie: Victor Garber as Andrews. "She's made of iron, sir. I assure you she can." And that shot of Andrews stomping through a corridor sweating bullets with a sheaf of blueprints in his hand as everyone else is joking and goofing around. Great stuff.

She got old. But for a while there she was getting naked in every movie she made. Her nudity almost saved "Holy Smoke" which otherwise was a steaming piece of garbage.

That's true! No tits in the British movie, major omission.

That's a distinction without a difference. Both Lightoller and Murdoch bungled the lifeboat loading, if for different reasons.

It seems odd to excoriate Lightoller for not filling his boats and then forgive Murdoch for not filling his boats.

I have the Nazi movie on DVD. Aside from everything else, watching the Titanic story in German is really weird.

The Cameron film is pretty amazing as spectacle, as a technical achievement. It's about 50% sinking and I think everything related to the actual ship sinking is pretty goddamn compelling.