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Joanne Whalley sure is good looking.

Gotta keep America white

Does anyone else find the Border Patrol just fundamentally gross? I see footage of some poor Mexican person trying to get into the United States to find a better life, and I see some gun-toting uniformed white man dedicated to stopping them, and I know who I'm rooting for.

PTA is exactly the kind of person who isn't going to be able to find work in our brave new superhero comic book world. His last two movies only got made because Megan Ellison opened up her checkbook. They both lost money.

Harold Lloyd flips the bird in "Speedy" in 1928.

I read once that Hughes wrote that scene specifically to get the film an R and differentiate it from his previous family-friendly teen comedies. It might have gotten a G otherwise.

The word "slut" is uttered in "Picnic", which came out in 1956 or so. I was surprised.

That dates back to "Gertie the Dinosaur"

"The Cameraman's Revenge"

Babe Ruth's called homer has been pretty much debunked, I think. They found a home movie. He's gesturing towards the Cub dugout, not the outfield.

1. Merkle, if for no other reason than to see what really happened.

Jackson confessed to taking the money and is known to have attended the meetings. Sorry.

In 19th century baseball pitchers threw from flat ground. The mound wasn't instituted until 1893.

The best nickname ever, in all of sports, belongs to 19th century MLB player Bob Ferguson.

That post above should have ended with a period after the word "money".

Who else would? MLB makes its own rules.

MLB refuses to let Jackson in because he was guilty.

Cartwright is credited for codifying rules like three strikes to an out and three outs to an inning and requiring that a batter-runner must be tagged with a baseball for an out, not hit by a thrown ball, which apparently was more common in earlier bat-and-ball games.

I listened to a 20-inning baseball game from beginning to end on the radio, and I've fallen asleep at the opera.

Shoeless Joe was totally guilty. He took the money, and he had a couple of triples hit to him in left field, which is just about impossible unless you're dogging it out there.