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The National Association is not recognized as a major league, at least not by MLB, which in the end is the only authority that counts.

"Sometimes not."

Rita Hayworth was a trained professional dancer who came from a family of dancers and had been dancing professionally since childhood, years before she made it in the movies.

It works, though, in "The Lady from Shanghai". It really works. It was like Welles hit on the idea of an icy Hitchcock blonde several years before Hitchcock did with Grace Kelly and her successors.

I'll take Rabin. The saddest thing about the Dissolve going belly up is that Rabin was actually getting to write about good movies in his "Rabin vs. the IMDB Top 250" column. I'd love to read "Rabin vs. the Oscars".

I enjoyed the hell out of this movie. Sweet Jebus, Rita Hayworth was hot.

They wouldn't make it now. It's not a comic book story.

Not "every" entry, but "Mission Impossible 2" is a straight ripoff from "Notorious". They both have a scene where the guy meets the girl at a racetrack.

Let Nathan Rabin write it.

Did Bell throw that $36,000 check away? He seemed to tuck something into his jacket but then he threw some paper in the garbage.

Great show, gone way too soon.

Make sure to write a thank-you note to Elliot Cutler and the 51,000 citizens of Maine who voted for him.

We seem to be hurdling joyfully to this future in which we don't own anything and we depend on Apple and Hulu and Netflix to just house all our entertainment options for us.

I have all of the music I like on CD. I do not wish to pay for music that I don't like.

I have a certain "no shit, Sherlock" feeling when reading this piece. Beyond what one considers Oscar bait or middlebrow or whatnot, the Academy always has looked for certain things. No short film has ever been nominated for Best Picture. Only a few animated films have ever been nominated for Best Picture, and only

I agree with the others that you are totally out to lunch here, and you are presenting a false choice at that. Any documentary popular enough to get a Best Picture nod is certainly a slam-dunk to win Best Documentary Film.

Watch a documentary, watch CNN for two hours, get back to us.

Why should I care who wins a Tony? I don't live in New York. I will never get the chance to see any of these shows.

Foreign Language films nominated for Best Picture

Actually it's not strictly true that no documentary has ever been nominated for best picture. "Chang" was nominated at the first ceremony—but the first ceremony was kind of weird.