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I was really excited about this movie, until I found out that they cut the second visit to the Weird Sisters.

Man, this is all wrong, from beginning to end.

It's a little bit of jargon because we can't use the word "normal".

You poor bastard.

Those shows were good, though.

Has Todd crawled out of Dunham's rectum yet?

You have to be funny to be a comedian.

No one has ever watched "Girls" except for television critics and Jezebel bloggers.

So what's the deal with "Chicago, see X early and for free" every week? Does no one else offer promos to the AV Club?

Someone was reporting a while back that this adaptation eliminated Macbeth's last encounter with the witches. This seems like a very bad choice since it renders "Birnam Wood to Dunsinane" and "no man of woman born" meaningless.

And only if you're a moron.

Would be easier to blame you for bad taste.

No, it isn't vague, and everyone but you seems to understand it. She got the last punch. The knockout punch, that is. She won.

I'm gonna have to go with the "Luise Rainer hammed it up something awful in The Great Ziegfeld and that award should have gone to Carole Lombard" counterpoint.

I wish people would realize that anything powered by solar panels turns off when the sun goes down.

Solar panels wouldn't be enough to run a large motor load like a refrigerator, and even if they were, your refrigerator would still power down every night.

My mother is 67 and has been watching the Miss America pageant for her entire life. When I was little we watched it like a sporting event, speculating on who was going to win.

You do not make a new ending under any circumstances.

And could she take her clothes off?

I was behind Anderson Cooper in a security line at LAX.