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"but that's the way to bet"

If she doesn't look Asian, why describe her as such?

So says every non-NBC network exec since Oct. 11, 1975.

I think this is meant as snark, but of course physical books aren't as popular as they used to be, or Borders would still be in business and Slate wouldn't be running pieces about the end of libraries.

Couldn't touch myself, I'm at work. The grin had to do.

We shall not rest until a gay disabled Latina woman gets a part on the show.

He did.

Diana Rigg was in "Evil Under the Sun" 35 years ago. Is there a part for Maggie Smith in this?

I think we should all be pleased that someone is making a theatrical feature that isn't based on a comic book and in which no one wears tights or a cape.

The answer is George C. Scott

Hottest Emma Thompson ever was?

Kenneth Branagh made the best Shakespeare movie ever, "Henry V", and gets a lifetime pass on that basis.

Derbel McDillet?

Who let the Republican onto the site?

"Happy Fanksgiving"

I'm at the "Old Man Records Show And Fast-Forwards Through Every Musical Number" stage.

The whole "giving album as Christmas present" idea is going away with MP3s and itunes, isn't it?

I've always found David Ortiz a fascinating example of sports culture and its hypocrisy about steroids—how you are a BAD CHEATER if you get popped for steroids and nobody likes you (ARod, Bonds), but if people do like you (Ortiz, Andy Pettitte) it all gets swept into the memory hole.

"Too many scenes in Manhattan. Please have Sherlock investigate murders on Staten Island."

I can only echo what everyone else has said about how brilliant this film is. Then there's the fantastic black and white photography, which by 1967 was a deliberate choice.