Ffffe Fjjj

It's a jargon word. Why do we need a word for "not trans?" Why do I and the 99,999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the human race that are perfectly OK with how we are born need a word to describe us?

Ophelia Lovibond…so very, very pretty…

So you're ignorant and uninformed. That doesn't mean the rest of the world has to cater to you.

Actually, if you want to pick out something that is an obvious source of nitpicking in the HP books—well, there's a lot.

Man, this guy. He was the "old" doctor on "St. Elsewhere" 30 years ago.

What is the matter with people like you? How is it a "spoiler" that Actor X is playing Character Y? And how can you criticize it as a spoiler when it was announced months ago? All that means is that you are uninformed.

Man, I thought with a new reviewer we might get past this same endless complaint repeated every week. Guess we'll have it in the comments.

…the Bigfoot community has standards?

Random trivia: Gordon Jump was in that bible movie that's shown to Mormons but to no one else.


How does that not bear close scrutiny? Isn't that exactly what's happening—a dictatorship, that is?

I agree that "no-maj" sounds awful. Just clanks right off the tongue. Reminds me of Orson Welles complaining about "crumb crisp coating" in that Frozen Peas rant.

"cisgender" isn't a slur, it's just silly jargon, invented by people who think that everyone must be identified by their feelings towards their private parts.

Anyone who thinks this is better than the Jackson LOTR movies is in desperate need of help from a mental health professional—but I was surprised by how much I liked this when I saw it on TCM recently. Actually, I remember seeing this in theaters as a small child. But I watched it with my small child just a couple of

Orson Welles didn't suffer fools?

There are a lot of morons in the world. But they provide page clicks, which pay the bills.

He's done that already, and it was glorious.

We all want to change the world.

That video of Gavin Rossdale playing "Glycerine" in the rain at MTV Spring Break is pretty awesome.
