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Some incredibly smug AV Club commenters here, calling Aaron Sorkin smug.

We should start a support group.

Seriously. "Make 'em laugh, make 'em laugh, make 'em laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaugh." Ugh.

Years of experience have taught me that I'm the only person in the world that doesn't like "Singin' in the Rain." I didn't care for its contemptuous attitude towards silent movies; the extended dancing sequence towards the end is boring.

Jesus Christ, how much time has to pass before you will name this character in your headlines?

Lisa Loring had a nude scene in a movie called "Iced".

You're a fucking moron.

How is "The War of the Worlds" not on here? Not creepy enough? It certainly was wildly innovative. And it even ran as a Halloween special!

AV Club is written by 13-year-olds for 13-year-olds, it seems.

Sir Walter Raleigh used fall. Of course, he was a stupid git.

Why does UK English have the edge there? Because Latin is classier? Nope, we'll take the good old-fashioned Saxon word instead of the Latin coinage.

I'm trying to think of a substantive rebuttal to a comparison between the British Empire and the Nazis…hm. Well, the Brits didn't operate death camps. Although they did operate concentration camps.

That's the funny thing about our American version of English—ours is more faithful to the original than whatever the hell the Brits have done with it. See the use of "fall" to mean the season we're currently in, which is centuries old. Or the use of "I guess" to mean "I think", which dates back to Chaucer.

That rack could drive any man to madness.

I've never seen it, but I understand the 1939 version of "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" with her and Charles Laughton is supposed to be outstanding.

It's funny, you watch that movie, and at the end they're all "WOW", but all it proves is that Kris had a good nose for real estate.

One of the best racks in movie history. Seriously, do a GIS for Maureen O'Hara.

No, it's called "we have no ideas." Especially when it was patently obvious years ago when they first did the test that a goddamn compressed air tank won't produce an explosion. What's to explode? It's just air. Then they do the second test, which is just generally kind of half-assed all the way around, even down

Seems like it, yes. Jamie did come across as an asshole sometimes. Adam is always too cheerful. Go read the EW interview, where Jamie really resents having to tell stories for a TV show.

I'm kind of hoping they shave it in the last episode.