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Meat Man was great. It was terrifying enough to begin with when Tore assembled some kind of Frankenstein monster. Then the diving helmet…

In one of the more recent episodes Adam had to call Jaime on the phone for something and wound up musing that he'd never called Jaime on the phone before.

Reruns on the Science Channel or something, I believe.

Yeah, a lot of "clearly bullshit". Could see the handwriting on the wall when they did that unbearable "run on water with special shoes" myth.

I remember watching that show and thinking that all it proved was that the elephant didn't want to get mouse goo on his foot. If I were walking through the forest and I saw a roach skittering across I would try not to step on him, but I'm not afraid of the roach.

Kind of saw the writing on the wall. Firing half the cast after the last season was not a good sign. The fact that they were running out of myths also was not a good sign. It's not just that they shifted from testing anything that could be loosely called a "myth" to basically recreating movie scenes—they were

Watched this off of TCM a while back. Maybe not "scary", but definitely creepy. The fact that you can see the ending to "Woman in the Snow" coming a million miles away doesn't make it less unsettling when it happens.

And after Jones screams like a braying jackass, she'll get a five-picture movie deal

"They're the Golden Arches. We're the Golden Arcs. Their burgers have two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, and onions on a sesame seed bun. Our burgers have two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles and onions…but our buns have no seeds."

Point 1: I'd still vote for "Save Me", but no one would have been mad if "When She Loved Me" won.

She did a pretty great cover of "Two of Us" that's on the "I Am Sam" soundtrack. Although that song is pretty much impossible to improve.

He's right about that part, you know. There is a bit of apologize-for-what-you-want with regards to the male sex drive, in our current discourse.

People talk about "Ordinary People" in 1980, but goddamn, the Best Song Oscar that year is one of the biggest award whiffs in history.

This was on another record before "Magnolia"?

That too. I read "Fatal Vision" as a teenager and hardly blinked. I have a daughter now, don't think I could pick that book up again.

This film sounds horribly depressing. I find that as I age into my forties my tolerance for horribly depressing films is dwindling to near zero.

When in real life, Chuck Lane was and is a weaselly d-bag.

"Not even for money, because I wouldn’t say I’ve actually been ruled as much by money as by the desire to act all the time."

Worst was People Magazine, had a big RIP Christa McAuliffe cover, like she went up alone.

Gotta love Zita Johann