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Man, gotta love studio execs.

Ran on TCM a while back. Good stuff.

Look, anyone's going to have sex with Sophia Loren, given the chance. Anyone.

Feb. 14 (Valentine's Day!)

1. Margaret Cho isn't a lesbian? Mind. Blown.
2. I see the video associated with this article pops up on auto-play when you click the link. That sucks.

35 years ago or so, I used to watch with my mom the old tv shows they ran at night. "My Little Margie", "I Married Joan", the George Burns and Gracie Allen show. Good times.

I thought that, like with being contractually obligated to run "The 700 Club", they were contractually obligated to have "Family" in the name.

I'm looking forward to watching this.

The Season 1 finale pretty firmly established that the rest of them were willing to let bygones be bygones before Phil II kicked Phil out of Tucson.

Shut the fuck up. Bill Hader died on "Brooklyn 99" last week. It's not a state secret.

How would the virus have gotten to space?

The whole chain of events that led to Tandy—Phil constantly being an asshole, Phil constantly being humiliated and degraded—nearly made me quit this show. I dread his reuniting with the old cast just as much as Phil does.

….yeah, that just does not make sense. There would be bones and corpses everywhere. Stephen King got this right with "The Stand"—at first people would be buried properly, then they'd start getting dumped into quarries and dead pits and the ocean, and then people would just fall down and rot. There would be bodies

Carol made a comment about how there will never be meatballs again. That only makes sense if all vertebrate life was killed by the virus.

" If there is a legal way to watch the damn thing I will do it first."

You could just watch it when it comes on television, you know.

Tina Fey once appeared on WU to give a talk in support of Hillary Clinton. Doubt she's a Republican.

Well, her characters might have been unfunny for the most part. But Wiig could act, could hit her mark, could read cue cards. All things that Jones cannot do.

I'd like to think that even America's 12-year-olds hate Leslie Jones.

Maybe you missed the years and years and many reviewers ripping Wiig and the show for the obnoxiousness of characters like the Target Lady.