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Maybe she ish't funny.

I like that the embedded video of Leslie Jones above captures her with her mouth braying wide open, presumably screaming at the top of her lungs.

Wasn't Ed Begley Jr. the one whose particularly bad Celebrity Jeopardy appearance inspired the SNL sketches? Or am I misremembering that?

I'm a little bit surprised that the interviewer mentioned "Scenes From the Class Struggle in Beverly Hills" but did not ask about Rebecca Schaeffer.

The legitimate reason is that the legal benefits of marriage don't work with polygamous relationships. Who has power of attorney? Who inherits? Who makes life-or-death decisions? Who gets health insurance from their spouse's employer? If you marry five foreigners, how many get green cards?

I think it was Krakauer who noted that the FLDS are, if we're honest, closer to the spirit of the original Mormons. The Mormons of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young were a closed-off society. They were polygamists. Smith and Young had child brides. They were violent, as Krakauer notes in recounting the Mountain

Parks and Rec isn't a mockumentary. In fact it used a device that dates at least as far back as Shakespeare.

"Jeux sans frontieres"

Beyond the fact that I feel no need to establish "credibility" on an anonymous comment thread about some random comedian making dumb ignorant comments about Phil Collins…I think that's a well-founded judgment of this song. Saying "It's the best thing Phil Collins ever did" does not especially mean that it's good.

Have never read a Hatesong entry that was so successful in making the interviewee look like a complete moron.

You misquoted a book excerpt because it didn't conform to Commonwealth spelling?

"Two of Us" by the Beatles

Maybe the AV Club needs to try harder to come up with a good Hatesong entry, then.


I remember picking up that novel, reading several chapters, being pretty intrigued, but also wondering what all the outrage was about.

This is probably the worst Hatesong I've ever read. This woman, who isn't a musician, dislikes this song for personal reasons that are of no interest to readers. Also, she dislikes this song, which is the best thing that Phil Collins ever did, but she likes all the shitty songs from "Tarzan".

We will surely see the same supporting cast for a while. Look at the way this episode ended. We're gonna find out what happened to everyone else, and it probably won't be "Todd snapped and killed them all" even though that would be kind of cool.

I found the shot of the one guy's room that was rigged up as a biohazard lab incredibly chilling. Poor bastard tried that hard to live, still got the Virus.

No, that's not true—there was a graphic in the first scene of the first episode that said "2018—two years after the Virus" or words to that effect.

No way he murders the hot one.