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Of course, how could they not?

I'm hoping that Phil II turned out to be a horrible monster and they all ran away from him.

I didn't actually quit the show, but I did resort to this website's recaps instead of watching some episodes last season, because Phil-is-a-dirtbag combined with Phil-is-endlessly-humiliated just got too tough to watch.

The scene where Carol showed Phil her old room that was completely covered in pictures of friends and family she'd lost to the Virus—well that was just incredibly sad.

I'm always disappointed when Nabin writes a MWOF article about a rapper, because I haven't heard of any of them, and I enjoy the other entries in this series very much.

And people had been going to Tahiti and enjoying the hell out of themselves for decades. The mutiny on the Bounty in fact happened for the sole reason that the sailors didn't want to be sailors anymore after relaxing on Tahiti.

But if you want to sympathize with them more, read about how one poor bastard who survived the voyage spent the rest of his life hiding little caches of food in the nooks and crannies of his house.

I hope this is good. I don't know how Interchangeable Marvel Action Hero #8 will be as the headliner of a movie that doesn't involve people with capes flying around, but I read the Philbrick book, and that shit was excellent. This is a story that you would really have to be actively incompetent in order to fuck up.

If you think whale hunting is unsympathetic, try reading Philbrick's book about how they killed and ate the black sailors first.

Once Megan Ellison stops cutting him checks, he'll probably show an interest in doing TV. Either that or he'll lower himself and direct a comic book movie. There's no longer any place for directors like PTA.

He took plenty of liberties with history in Apollo 13. That "you gotta make this fit into this using nothing but that" scene was an invention—in real life an engineer though up how to do it while driving to Mission Control.

So, what the hell is that?

I laughed so hard the first time I saw that video. Then I felt bad for Orson, the guy who once made "Citizen Kane". Then I laughed some more.

And now I see that the documentary in question is embedded in this article. Cool.

There's been a steep and apparently irreversible drop in the quality of the writing here after the old crew were all fired. I mean, just look at how much of this whole website is Great Job, Internet, which is nothing more than some intern skimming through Reddit and posting what they find.

The Game Show Network once had a show called "Anything to Win", and one episode covered this. It was hosted by the late Peter Tomarken. Tomarken examines very carefully what Larsen did and how a time or two he nearly blew it. The reactions from the other two contestants, who were interviewed, are priceless.

It is a good rule of thumb when regarding Lennon-McCartney tunes that if you hear one of them singing lead vocal, that person wrote that lyric. That even applies to the occasional examples when they mashed lyrics together, like the one McCartney verse that got tossed into Lennon's "A Day in the Life", or how two

It must be so tiresome to watch every piece of entertainment through one's political lens.

"I used to be cruel to my woman, I beat her and kept her apart from the things that she loved."

You realize that y'all are discussing a story from a hatchet job of a bio that was full of lies.