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You could make some kind of erotic horror story in which the mother steals the daughter's body and goes out to get laid a lot.

Hello from four years in the future, and a time in which Joan Fontaine is dead! I don't know about nicer, but I'd have to vote for Olivia for both "better actress" and "prettier". Just watched "Hush…Hush Sweet Charlotte" a few days ago, and she is tremendous in that.

I'd have to vote for "The Woman in the Window", because there's a whole scene where you can see Joan Bennett's breasts through a see-through window.

And John Barrymore's son.

…are you serious? Foster has been in movies since she was ten years old, if not before. Taxi Driver, Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore, Bugsy Malone, others.

Seriously. Makes it hard to watch that movie, actually.

In other news, Lindsay Lohan was so goddamn beautiful. And a talented actress. Always makes me sad, thinking about her.

I'm told by reliable sources that the Jodie Foster "Freaky Friday" was the first movie I ever saw in a theater.

Las Vegas?

People love to find things to get pissed about, but it's not like the other actors didn't do the same thing in the other parts. Berry plays a white woman. Doona Bae plays a white woman and a Mexican, and has the best line in the movie: "I'm not a fucking wetback!"

I forgot about The Ladykillers. Didn't much care for it, but Hanks is good in that part.

There's the "I hated Jupiter Ascending" posts that you might find in a Jupiter Ascending thread, and then there's the "I just posted my review of Dog Day Afternoon on my website, look at me" that you'd find in a Jupiter Ascending thread at The Dissolve.

Actually there wasn't a lot of on-topic discussion. With the exception of Rabin's articles, most of the features didn't get a lot of traffic. But go to "cable movie of the day" article, and there would be 300 posts of people talking about themselves.

Appears to be a reference to The Theory Of Everything, but stupidly written in lower-case letters.

Pretty sure those weren't hers.

AV club has some not terribly bright writers

Does it talk about how the internet and file-sharing destroyed album covers? Because there are no more albums?

What do you mean you can't believe it? Are you not aware that these are real people? Swearengen and Bullock died in 1904 and 1919, respectively. Sol died in 1917. Ellsworth was killed off at the end of Season 3. And Nick Offerman's character was killed in the second episode.

Swearengen gave up after the Gem burned down for a second time, and was destitute by the time he was run over by a train in Denver.

The ending to "Deadwood" sucked. Hearst wins. Everyone else gives up. Ellsworth is shot for no goddamn reason. And Al and his people decide to kill another prostitute in place of Trixie, because they like Trixie better than they do that other prostitute.