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You thought incorrectly. It bombed at the box office.

I too was puzzled by that comment from Rabin. "Avatar" was a massive success.

Oooh, Jennifer Tilly at the peak of her hotness back in the day…

Better than "Broken Blossoms"? The hell you say!

He was still a noble, loving father in "Road to Perdition", though.

No, it was just endless posts of people talking about themselves. "Self Promotion Thread". "What Did You Watch Last Night?" "Let's Talk About My Website And Not The Topic Of The Article."

Forgotbusters was also tremendous, yes.

The theater troupe was boring, the finale is a massive anticlimax as the town surrenders to Hearst, Ellsworth is killed out of nowhere just for the evulz, and the last episode has that really gross ending where they decide to kill another whore in place of Trixie because everyone likes Trixie better.

Season 2 is tremendous and you cheated yourself.

The premature end of "Deadwood" still pisses me off.

Zardoz had some hot ladies, and Sean Connery in a wedding dress.

The machines pretty much win in the end, don't they?

Do you know what it reminded me of? "Intolerance", a 100-year-old silent film by DW Griffith. Seriously, that's the only other movie I've ever seen that not only has an anthology structure but intercuts the stories with each other.

I don't know what a Chav is but it was a treat to see Hanks play an evil chracter (Dr. Goose). He really needs to pull a Henry Fonda in "Once Upon a Time in the West" and play a super-evil guy.

No reason he can't write it over here.


I'm so happy this feature is back. I wish Rabin would pick up the "Nathan Rabin vs. the IMDB Top 250" he was writing at The Dissolve. That was also some fine writing.

This should have been in my wheelhouse—I was 13, loved Moonlighting, thought Bruce Willis was the absolute funniest guy ever. Pretty sure I didn't like this movie at all.

There are some really subtly creepy pictures of him out there. There was one taken in Colorado, when apparently he was in the law library all shackled up, and the photographer snapped a shot of him from under a table as Bundy is looking down.

I hated "In the Garden of Beasts". Hated it. Couldn't figure out why we were supposed to care about the ambassador's daughter and her love affairs.