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I…found the exact opposite. Holmes kills somebody! That's interesting. The other dude then solves a problem with the World's Fair. Holmes builds a goddamn murder castle! Then the other dude solves another World's Fair problem. Holmes becomes one of history's most notorious serial killers! The other guy stages a

" yet another way for gay white cismen to make all of queer history somehow all about them."

I find "cisgender" to be useful as a signifier of who to ignore.

There's going to be a Kitty Genovese movie? Is it wrong to be intrigued by this?

Or the Arbuckle movie, which sounds fascinating.

I remember someone commenting about that infamous Selena Gomez photo that Kevin James probably thanks God every day that that hooker left Farley to die.

"Sherlock Holmes" is airing? Fucking outstanding.

My God, Madchen Amick was so hot on Twin Peaks 20 years ago. And just a couple of years ago when she played an old friend of Don Drapers that he had a weird dream about murdering? Still super, super hot.


This article.

On the one hand, it seems asinine that a magazine like Maxim would feel the need to change gears and put Idris Elba on the cover. They're a magazine aimed at teenaged and college-aged boys, and you know what, teenaged boys and young men like to look at scantily clad women. Of course, we aren't supposed to admit

Imogen Poots.

Hm. I would say that "Honey Pie" is the best old-school song Paul ever did and "Your Mother Should Know" is one of the worst.

There are 12 articles right now between the Newswire and the In Case You Missed It section. Ten of the 12 are Great Job Internet.

Well, he's right, most people the interviewer's age don't know who Errol Flynn was.

Derbel McDillet?

That essay may be the greatest thing I've ever read. This canonization of David Wallace (ha! I'm only using two of his names!) as Hipster Jesus is getting really old.

IIRC, both "Save Me" and "Blame Canada" lost to that incredibly shitty Phil Collins song.

Take a cha-cha-cha-chance

Have you seen how many goddamn home remodeling shows are on cable?